Chapter 7: not good first impressions

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"Good morning, children". Professor Umbrigde addressed us. Taking my seat next to Hermonie I glanced over at Harry who was noticeably not interested in what this women had to say. I couldn't blame him.
"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. O-W-Ls, or more commonly known as OWLs. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe. Your previous instruction in this subject has been distrurbingly uneven".
I leaned over to Hermonie.
"Is she serious?"
Herimone pressed her lips together and shook her head slowly.
"But you will be pleased to know, from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic".
Hermonie let out a loud sigh and raised her arm high in the air.
"Yes, deary?"
"There nothing in this book about using defensive spells?" Hermonie questioned her.
"Using spells?" Umbridge scoffed. "Well, I cant imagine why you would need to use them in my classroom"
"Were not going to use magic?"
Umbridge turned her eyes on me and shook her head.
"Young lady students will raise their hands in my classroom when they speak". She snapped at me. This was not how I wanted to start off the school year.
"It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations. Which is what school is all about, after all".
"This is Hogwarts". I stated this time with my hand raised.
   "Being able to learn while also doing spells has always been-
"Once again Miss.." Umbridge looked down at the pink fluffy clipboard in her hands and then turned her attention back to me. "Miss Lovelace, as I have told you before students will raise their hands if they wish to-
"How's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" All of us including Umbridge turned their attention away from me to a now fired up Harry. Clearly from Umbridge's pressed lips and head tilt she was about ready to let out some steam.
"There's nothing out there. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?" Umbridge scoffed with a smile beginning to appear on her lips. Looking over Harry I knew that this was not going to end well. Clearly this women was deaf or was not the smartest cookie in the cookie jar.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort". Harry snapped back at her. I clenched my teeth as Hermonie let out a breath that she must have been holding back.
"Now, let me make this quiet plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large again. This is a lie".
Harry stood up. "Its not a lie!" Harry had completely snapped. And part of me did too. This women had no idea what Harry had been through? She had no idea what it was like to watch the ones that you cared about die and here she was making up lies.
"Its true!"
"Miss Lovelace this is your final warning!"
I nodded my head and decided to keep my mouth shut. For now.
"I saw him. I fought him". Harry was not going to let it go. I could clearly see that and as both me and Herimone locked eyes see could feel it too.
"Detention Mr. Potter!".
"Your saying that Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own choice?"
Harry just let it go before its too late.
"Cedric Diggory's death was a very tragic accident".
There was no sympathy in her voice. That was clear as day.
"It was murder. Voldemort killed him".
She had finally had enough of his talking back to him and I knew that it wasn't going to be pretty. As much as I knew that I should have contuioned to defend Harry, I just couldn't bring myself to get into that much trouble on my first day.
But Harry had to do what he felt was right. Cedric had not died in vain and for her to mock his death it was not right. Harry wanted to defend his fellow classmate's honor and I wasn't about to fault him for that.

                        After the mess that was my first class of the day the rest of the week went by quite slow as the same routine of classes went on. The professor's introducing the materials that we would need, followed by which books we would need to read from to quizzing us from what we had learned the previous school year. I thought classes were going to be more stressful the first few days, seeing as how it was our fifth year, but it had turned out to not be so bad.
        Walking back to the Ravenclaw common room after dinner, that evening I had just passed the main hall when I happened to spot Harry sitting by the window. He looked rather puzzled that I wasn't so sure if going to talk to him was the best idea. But after the whole Umbridge chaos I wanted to make sure that her punishment wasn't that bad.
"Hi Harry". As I approached him he looked up. He smiled at me causing me to smile back.
"Mind if I join you?" He nodded his head.
"Sure". I took the seat across from his and curled my legs up against my chest.
"So, how was Umbridge's detention?" Harry let out a sigh and pulled his left hand away from me and pulled it close to his chest. The way he was holding it did not sit well with me. It was like he had hurt it or something.
"It was fine". Harry said turning back to look out the window still clenching onto his hand.
"Harry what's wrong with your hand?" I asked catching him off.
I was not buying it. Something was not right.
"I said its nothing, Cassie".
"Like hell it is!". Without allowing him to uttered another word I reached out and grabbed onto his hand. Then I forcefully pulled it away from his chest and placed it on my lap. Glancing down at I let out a gasp and cupped my hand over my mouth. Written front and center on his palm was the simple sentence of 'we must not tell lies'. That cruel women.
"Harry, you have to tell-"
Harry shook his head. "Hermonie already told me to tell Dumbledore, but I cant".
"Why not? Harry he's the headmaster. He should know what this cruel women is doing to his students!".
"Dumbledore has enough on his mind right now. Besides I don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction, Cassie". Harry pleaded. Letting out a sigh I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"Still Dumbledore should know, but it's your choice to tell him or not".
"Thanks Cassie".
I nodded my head as I pulled a piece of hair out of my face.
"I mean not just for not saying anything, but for standing up to her as well". Harry said popping a grin. A very light blush over took my cheeks causing me to shake my head.
"N-no problem, Harry".
"With many thinking that I'm a lier, its nice to know that a few still believe me".
"Harry, your not alone. You have Ron, Hermonie, Sirius and so many others on your side".
"I know".
I sighed. "I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I'm on your side too".
Harry smiled as I sat up from the bench.
"Now if you'll excuse me I should be returning to my common room. It late after all. Bye Harry". I shouted on my way down the hall, towards the Ravenclaw commons.

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