Chapter 33: Roaring chaos

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As fast as he went tumbling down, multiple white lights came racing into the room. each one of them moving to each one of us. Trying to tangle with the death eater and get them away from us.
Though a light had passed by me and Marcus, one had not yet stopped. Still the grip on my throat loosened and reached for his face. Then i bit down on the flesh. Trying to draw blood or at least give hims a scar. His hand, now bleeding removed itself from around me.
"You bitch!"
Before Marcus could even raise his wand back in the air. A burst of light exploded into him. Sending him flying backwards, onto the other side of room. The light now fully present melted into a familiar figure. Remus wand still in hand wrapped his arms around me.
"Thank goodness your alright".
How the order knew where and when to find us i didnt care. All i cared about was that they were here. And they would now give us the upper hand.
Remus pulled himself away from me and took in my appearance. Though i wanted him to stay near me and fight i knew he couldn't. As darkness and light roared to life all around us. I sighed and took his hand.
"Go!" Remus kissed the top of my head and melted back into a explosion of light. He zoomed across the room to who knows where. With all the other lights around the room. i had lost him instantly. Causing worry to settle its way into my soul.
Somehow i had hid myself in the outside of the inner ring. No one seemed to notice me as i let out a breath I was holding back and stood back up. Tonks spotted me right away as she landed near both Harry and Sirius. Blast after blast was being dealt by both side. I knew i needed to take a stand. Tonks nodded to me as i slid over the hill. A death eater noticed me and as i raised my wand, ready to cast a spell on him Tonks had already beat me to it. I nodded, thanking her as i bolted my way to Harry. I kneeled beside him as a spell was dealt our way. My arms flew over my head.
"Good to see you again, Cassie''. Now was not the time for banter. Even though that was Sirius's favorite thing. especially in situations like this one. A pillar of rock shattered right beside us. Sirius grabbed both me and Harry. Shuttling us to the other side of the arch.
"I want you to take the others and get out of here". Sirius ordered Harry. His eyes flashing to me.
"What?! No I'm staying with you!" Harry cried back at him. As much as in wanted to stay and fight beside both, Sirius and my uncle i knew that we had to get out of here. Especially Harry. He was the one in danger. the one that most needed to be protected. I grabbed onto Harry's arm.
"You've done beautifully. Now let me take it from here". Sirius's voice so soft, calming.
"He's right, Harry". I stated looking up at my father like figure. Sirius smiled and placed a hand on my arm. I trusted Sirius. i always had. And i knew that he could do this.
With all the chaos around us. My head was beginning to spin as Tonks jumped up to join us. Harry then pushed me into her arms as two death eaters came at us. Tonks pulled me away from Harry and down to the lower area where everyone was hiding. Ron looked me over and placed a hand on my arm. Hermonie moved herself closer to both of us as spells came to life from both sides.
The way both, Harry and Sirius were fighting along side each other made my heart warm. Though neither of them wears related to the other they still fought as one. Blood or not, they were a family. Sirius meant so much to Harry as Harry meant so much to Sirius. They were both the link to James and Lily. Parents to one. Best friends to another. James and Lily would have been so proud of them both.
As they fought off Lucius, the last of the two standing death eaters I noticed Bellatrix standing on a pillar, wand aimed at Harry and Sirius. A smirk a upon her face. As her lips spoke the most unforgiving and unforgettable spell possible.

Oh no...I started crying a bit writing about Sirius showing up. cause you know that these are his last few scenes, before he dies. This is one death I'm still not over. This one and Doby's.

Also it's spring break! And I'm going to finish this story up this week. I have until the first of April off so I got plenty of time to finish this bad boy.

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