Chapter 32

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Sierra's P.O.V.

"Danni?" I asked. "Nope. Well kinda. Kronos, you explain," she said. "She did the same thing as me. Take a human body." Then I saw her eyes. Her normally green eyes were golden, like Kronos. I gulped.

"You could be like us, Sierra. Immortal. All-powerful. In command," the not-Danni said. "And stuck-up, annoying, and evil? Yeah, no thanks. Kronos eyes flashed. "Don't worry, Kronos. I got this," the not-Danni said. She came over to where I was standing. She smiled.

"Sierra, we can make this easy or hard. What's it gonna be?" As hard as it was, I hit her right in the chest. She flew back a few feet. "So hard way it is," she said.

She lifted her hand and a small ball of fire grew on it. She threw it at me I ducked. It singed a bit off the end of my hair. "Really? You burn my hair? My hair?!" I said. Her eyebrows went up and she shout more fire at me. She got me backed up against the wall. She lifted each of her pointer fingers to my temples. Suddenly, I felt very tired. I slumped down against the wall.

"No, Danni..." I whispered and fell unconscious.


I woke up without any personal memories. I sat up. I saw girl with strawberry blonde hair and golden eyes.

"Hullo," I said. "Hi," she said.

"This might be a weird question, but do you know who I am?" I asked. "Your name is Sierra. Right now, my friend, Bella, is going to show you something. Come on," she said, helping me up. I felt extremely weird.

The girl led me to a woman standing by a door. She seemed vaguely familiar. "Do I know you?" I asked. She sighed and led me out the door. "Oh, Sierra, what did they do to you," she whispered.

I didn't ask. She led me to a small building and opened a door. As soon as she let me go, I fell to my knees. A boy with red hair crouched next to me. I kept my head down.

"What did he do to her?" He asked, sounding scared. The door closed and I heard a lock click. "Sierra? Sierra, what happened?" the boy asked. "I-I-" I stuttered. I had no idea what to say.

"Sierra, please, looked at me," he begged. I just couldn't. I don't know why. I looked around quickly. "Sierra, what happened in there?" he asked. I cocked my head to the side and furrowed my brow.

"Who are you?" I asked. His eyes widened. "Your kidding," he said in shock. "I'm sorry, I don't remember much." He looked pretty scared. "What did they do to you?" he whispered.

A Witch And A Demigod: What Could Go Wrong (Sierra Lestrange Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now