Gerting to Know Him

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'Oh okay great' Natalie said.

'Mum's not making dinner, so I think I'll order a pizza' Brad said while smiling.

I turned to face Natalie who I found walking out the room with Aoise

'where are you guys going?' I asked, more like yelled.

'I need to use the bathroom' Aosie said.

'And I need to show her it', Natalie yelled back.

There was just Brad and I left in the living room. Silence took over.

'So how do you like it so far here in the UK?' he asked.

'Its fine I guess, I haven't really seen much of it' I said back.

'What are you doing tomorrow?' He asked

'me and Aoise ? I think Aoise is picking up the car she bought today' I said back to him when he smiled

'okay then, since you're not doing anything, how about I show you around?' he asked hesitantly.

'Umm, okay sure' I replied.

'I think Natalie will tag along' he said 'okay great' I said just before the girls came walking in.

'What did we miss' Natalie said

'boring stuff' Brad replied.


Later on, the pizza came and we stayed there laying on the couch, while brad was on the floor because we kicked him off since he took the last slice of pizza.

'Not fair though!' he protested.

'Too bad!' I said sticking my tung out at him when I felt him throw me off of the sofa and sat where I was.

'Oh my god! Now that wasn't fair either' I screamed.

'Too bad' he smirked

'Its getting late' Aoise said while yawning.

It was actually late, it was currently around midnight, but time passed by so fast.

After the pizza, we spent the rest of the night acting weird and silly. Playing games and getting to know each other. We all had a lot in common, but at one point, Brad called me his 'Lady Twin' because we actually did have A LOT in common.

'I think we should go now' I said as I looked over to Aoise who got up and so did I

'But you can't go, its too late for you guys to walk back home, and now our car broke down so its getting fixed, I think you should stay for the night' Natalie said as I look over to Aoise who stood confused.

'No really I...' I started but got cut off

' come on my lady twin, stay here, I'll let you girls sleep in my room, and I'll crash here on the couch, what do you say?' He said looking at me from the couch he was sat on

'I guess we could stay, but we're not taking your room. Aoise and I will stay here on the couch, its quite compfy' I said smiling.

'It won't fit the both of you, silly Lilly' he laughed.

'I'll sleep on the floor' I said.

'Fine' he said back.

'Oh yay this'll be fun' Natalie said.

Aoise and I followed Nat upstairs where she gave us both PJs to change into.


'I can't sleep!' I whispered over to Aoise who was practically snoring.

'Great' I said to myself. I got up and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I walked in and noticed Brad sitting on the terrace just outside the kitchen back door. I walk out where he was sitting on a bench.

'hey', I said.

'Hi, can't sleep?' He asked smiling as he moved over so I can sit next to him

'nope' I said giggling.

'Me neither, this is why you're my lady twin' he looked at me and laughed.

'Its not even funny, I don't know why I can't sleep' I said still laughing even though I said it wasn't funny.

'Its because you're sleeping on solid wood floor' he said.

'But you can't sleep either and you were laying on a mattress' I said back.

'Its because I'm thinking of places we could go tomorrow, places I can show you' he said while turning to face me

'oh, well...stop thinking' I said, confused of why he might keep himself up to think about places to visit with me.

'Natalie can't go with us tomorrow' he said shaking me out of my thoughts

'aww, how come?' I asked.

He then explained how she has to go out with her friend to do business which I got no idea what it was

'I'm confused but okay...we still are going tomorrow right?' I asked him

'If you're okay with just me, I do realize you prefer Natalie to go with us but yeah ...' He said as I laughed.

'What's so funny?' He asked confused.

'Of course I'd love Natalie to tag along, but you're not a bad guy, you're my guy twin. We'll have fun' I gave him a reassuring smile.

After what seemed like an hour of just sitting at the bench outside with brad and talking about stuff like life and love and whatever.

'Its 3am!' He gasped staring down at his watch.

'Are you kidding me?' I asked shocked.

'No. God the times passed by so quickly. Anyways, you should sleep now and so should I. Now I want my little Lady Twin to walk upstairs, last bedroom on the right by the end of the hallways, and to get into that bed in that room and sleep.' He said standing up and pointing over to the door so that I do what he says

'But Brad its your room, and your bed, you should sleep there.' I said but was cut off by him shushing me.

'Not another word. I'll take care of myself' he said.

'Okay fine, I owe you big time though', I said getting up

'You owe me nothing. Good night Lilly' he smiled as we got inside and  I walked upstairs.

'Goodnight Bradley', I said as I hauled up the stairs going into his room. It was quite compfy looking. And it was cozy as well. I got into his bed as I felt my self instantly fall asleep

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