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The day of the party.

Yes, two days have passed since I saw him and that girl Helen at Starbucks. Today was his and the boy's party.

Aoise told me that the party starts at seven, so she went out shopping to buy an outfit while I didn't mind wearing something from my closet.

The clock was turning to 5 pm by now and Aoise got back which meant I needed to get ready. I took a really quick shower and once I got out I opened my closet and got out a really pretty and casual dark blue skater dress. I matched it with a pair of black ancle boots and a black case for my phone. I did my makeup well enough to impress but easy enough not to stress. (that's my new WhatsApp status I call dibs). Anyways, I straightened my hair and it was now 6:45 pm. Aoise got out of her room minutes after I got out of mine. We headed out the apartment and went to James's place where the party was held.

Stood outside we could hear the music. They were playing 'Turn down for what' because well, why not?

Aoise and I got in and we saw every one dancing and having a good time. Aoise was greeted by a passionate kiss on the lips by Connor who I'm pretty sure squeazed her bumm while kissing (because I know) and how was I greeted? Hugs from people I had no idea who they were.

'Get yourself some shots' Tristan yelled so I could hear him over the music. I nodded so he then pointed me to the kitchen where the alcohol and shots were. I immediately took a shot because I wanted to drink away the emptiness that lied within me. As I was taking my second shot, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. Brad and Helen, kissing. I knew they were together. But it wasn't a normal kiss no, it lead to more. He pinned her up against a wall with his large hands up to her bumms from underneath her skirt and her legs wrapped around him as he started to move to down her neck. I knew what was coming. But I decided to leave instead of interrupt. I knew he wanted to be with her and sleep with her and probably other girls, but what bugged me the most was the fact that everyone greeted Aoise and I at the door while he was too busy giving her his jacking in the kitchen corner. I went to the living room and hand gestured to Aoise who was sitting on the couch that I was leaving. She immediately got up and walked over to me.

'What's wrong?' she said in my ear over the music.

'Brad is having sex in the kitchen' I said back in her ear as her jaw dropped. 'So I'm going home' I then continued.

'No! You're staying here and you're going to find a guy and you're going to kiss him and hump him till your vgaygay tired do you hear me?!' she yelled in my ear.

'Are you drunk already?' I yelled back

'No! now come on!' she said as she grabbed my hand and pushed me over to some guy who was dancing (yep she was drunk)

The guy was gorgeous! He had black hair pushed up, blue eyes, and a fantastic smile. I could have fun.

'Hi I'm Vincent' he said to me

'I'm Lilly' I said back as he hand gestured to get me to dance with him and I nodded.

Now 'Brave Heart by Neon Jungle' was playing.

Vincent and I danced like there was no tomorrow. We did all kind of dancing if you know what I mean. Dirty Dancing, Slow Dancing, But mostly Dirty Dancing...and Dirty Dancing. In my defense, I got drunk before the Dirty Dancing started but I do remember what happened so...yeah we had fun. But Vincent? Oh he got way too drunk. But he knew who I was before he was drunk so this wouldn't be awkward if I saw him some other time, he'd know who I am.

I saw Vincent getting light headed and almost trembling over so I decided to sober him up since he was in such a mess. I for sure wasn't going to take him to the kitchen so I found a bedroom upstairs and took him up there. In that bedroom was a private bathroom so it was good because I could sober him up by putting is head in cold water.

'It's really cold' he said as I pushed his head down the sink.

'Duh captain obvious' I said joking

Vincent then stood up from the sink as I let go of his head.

'You're really nice you know? and I see a painful look in your eyes so I'll just hug the pain away' he said as he hugged me. I didn't know what that mopey speech was all about but I just felt like I needed to hug someone

'Oh my god! What are you two doing? Ew, you're in a bedroom's bathroom and hugging. Great you're doing each other, gross' I heard a girl say. I pulled away from the hug and looked back too see Helen standing there.

'Helen what's up' I heard Brad's voice say second before Brad entered and stood beside Helen looking at me and Vincent.

'Well, I interrupted their physical time together' she huffed.

Brad said nothing else. I grabbed Vincent by the hand and walked us outside the bedroom walking across Brad and Helen. I got Vincent downstairs and now my eyes were tearing up. I hugged Vincent one more time before I placed my number in his phone and headed out without saying one word to Aoise.

It was cold. It was alone. and It was scary but that didn't stop me from walking back to my apartment.


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