Chapter 2

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Jack smiled at me as I skipped into the library with a huge smile on my face.
"Good morning Jack!" I said as I sat across from him.
"Good morning Juliet! Did you sleep well last night?" Jack curiously asked.
"I slept great... What about you?"
"I slept... I didn't actually sleep." Jack said as I grabbed his hand.
"Nervous about being in a new place?" He nodded. "I felt the same way when I moved in here, you'll get used to it."
"Thank you Juliet." Jack said as I nodded.
"Morning." A voice grumbled.
We looked up to see Dean truging in in his house coat and a cup of coffee.
"Good morning!" Jack and I said cheerfully.
"Children." Dean mumbled sitting down.
"Morning!" Dean groaned as Sam came in.
"What's up your butt?" Sam asked.
"He's just an old man so every happy thing pisses him off." I smirked at Dean looked at me.
"Old man?" He asked as I shrugged.
"You look it... Come on Jack, let's go get some breakfast." I said standing up.
"All right." He replied following behind me.
"Old man?" I heard Dean whisper in disbelief as I chuckled.

      Jack and I laid on his bed watching Disney's Clone Wars, apparently the computer said he'd like it and wanted me to join.
"Jack?" Sam voice called as we focused on the tv.
"Hey. Clone Wars?"
"The computer said I'd like it... I do like Ahsoka." Jack said as I looked up at my older brother.
"Kinda hate Anakin."
"Uh... That's probably for the best, nevermind." Sam shook his head.
"Um, hey. You remember when I told you what Dean and I do? Our, uh, our day job?"
"You kill monsters because you're the good guys."
"Right, right. And we've got a case, so thought you might wanna come along."
"No." Jack said as I turned to him.
"Jack, I really think this would be good for you... You know, maybe a change of scenery might."
"Get my powers working again?" Jack asked out of anger.
"Yeah, maybe." Sam said as he paused the episode.
"So I can be your interdimensional can opener?" Jack sighed. "You're using me." Jack clicked the episode on.
"Jack when you were born, it ripped a hole in reality. Like a, like a door from this world to another, to a really bad, bad place." Sam said.
"So, so Dean and Cass and I, we, we closed that door. But our mom, Mary, she's trapped on the other side. If we can get your powers back, maybe we can open that door up. Maybe."
"You wanna save her."
"Yeah. Yeah I do." Sam sighed looking at me then at Jack.
"But if this doesn't work, if that can't happen, that's okay, because I do care about you." Sam said as I nodded.
"But I should've told you, I'm sorry." Sam said.
"It's a lot and, uh Dean can't even look at me."
I sighed.
"He wants to kill me." Jack said.
"I won't let that happen."
"If there's one thing Dean respects, it's effort." I told Jack.
"Let's do this... Are you coming with us?" Jack asked me.
"I don't really go on cases, I'm kinda of demanded center." I told Jack.
"Oh." He said disappointed as I looked at Sam.
"But, it wouldn't hurt to come on your first case... So I guess I can come." I said.
"Yay!" Jack said as I giggled.

           It was a three hour drive and we've only been on the road for two hours.
Queen blasted through the speakers as my head laid on Jack's shoulder.
"What does everything move by so quickly?" Jack asked.
"The impala is driving fast so the trees and life outside move with it." I told Jack.
"Fascinating." He said as I giggled.
He turned to me smiling as I smiled back, I could feel his breath on my face.
I leaned in until Dean cleared his throat.
Jack and I moved apart both blushing before I leaned in between the older men.
"Can we listen to something else? Old man music is getting kinda boring." I told Dean.
"Let's make a deal... If you stop calling me old man for a month. For the rest of the trip we can listen to your music." Dean said.
I reached over to change the station as BTS Idol came on.
"You can call me artist. You can call me idol. No matter what you call me." I turned to Jack.
"Sing it with me Jacky." I said.
"No more irony, cuz I was always just me."

     After my concert in the impala we made it to the eye witnesses house.
"Agent Bonham, Agent Seger, and Special Agent Anderson and Michael." Dean said handing us our fake badges.
"I thought lying was wrong?" Jack asked curiously as I patted his shoulder.
"All right, here we go." Sam said.
"Victim, Wes Bailey. His wife, Erica, died six months ago... Heart thing, out of the blue." Sam said.
"Uh, question is, why'd she come back from the dead and knife his ass?" Dean asked.
"People come back?" Jack asked.
"When a person dies and their souls can't move on."
"They're called ghosts. And hanging around them make them go loony tunes." Dean said.
"Uh, they go crazy." I told Jack as I saw his confused face.
"Yeah, question is, since when do ghosts kill somebody and walk out the front door?"
"So maybe it's a revenant." Sam said.
"Wait." Jack said looking confused.
"What's a revenant?" He asked.
"A revenant's more like a-a zombie." Sam told him as a door closed.
"Hey, there's our witness." Sam said.
"Jack Juliet, we're gonna talk to the witness, check out the crime scene." Sam got out closing the door.
"You two stay. Sit." Dean told us before leaving the impala.

     "Hey! I told you two to wait in the car. What the hell are you two doing?" Dean asked as Jack and I were looking around.
"I'm trying to help out and Juliet is helping." Jack replied.
"How is this helping out?" Dean asked us.
"Hey, Dean. Thank you, Jack and Juliet." Sam said as we nodded.
"Did you find anything?" Sam asked.
"Just this." Jack said holding out.
"Oh all right... Jack, look. This is an EMF meter." Sam handed it to Jack as he looked confused.
"Okay, so spirits, ghosts, they put out electromagnetic interference. If ones here, this will tell us."
Jack nodded as I helped turn on the switch as it started crackling.
"What's it saying?" Jack asked confused.
"It's saying it's a revenant... We gotta check her grave. Come on." Sam said as we followed him to the impala.

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