Chapter 8

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     Jack pressed his lips against mine, as I smiled softly.
"I thought I lost you." I told him fixing his collar.
"Dean, where's Sam." Mary asked as I removed myself from Jack.
"The-the tunnel we went through. Vamps took him." I said as my chest tightened.
"No, he can't be dead." Mary shook her head.
"He can't be dead."
"Jack, I." Cass was cut off by Jack.
"Couldn't you bring him back?" He asked as Cass tired to talk.
"Why did you bring him back?" Jack asked.
"Cass isn't strong enough, not even Gabriel." I told him.
"Jack. If we could've, we would've." Cass told him.
"I'm so sorry.
Jack rested his head on mine as I let out a sigh.
"We have to go back, get his body."
I jumped as a bell started to ding meaning someone was coming into camp.
"Sam." I gasped as I saw Sam with his bag over his shoulder.
We all ran to him to hug him but stopped in our tracks to see Lucifer.
"Hello, son." Lucifer said.
I growled quickly going over to Jack and Cass again.
"Sam? What happened?" Dean asked.
"He, uh he brought me back." Sam said as we all looked at Lucifer.
"It's what I do."
"It is not what you..."
"How did you get here?" I asked.
"VIP pass. I'm with a band." I scoffed pulling Jack closer to me.
"Come on, shouldn't you be thanking me? I-I give Sammy an extra life." Lucifer said.
"Besides, what with my little bro little being a hot mess, I figured you'd need me." I scoffed.
"So I'm here to join the team." Thunder rumbled from above us.
"Your name is Jack." Lucifer asked as Jack stepped closer.
"And yours is Lucifer." Jack said.
"Oh, you're with the little Winchester. Meet that odds." Lucifer said as Dean stepped inbetween us.
"No. No, no. No." Dean said.
"You don't talk to them, or and you don't listen to him." Dean warned as I rolled my eyes.
"Um, don't you think that's his choice?"
"No." Dean grumbled.
"Are you trying to keep me from my son?"
"Well, this is Kelly Kline's son. He's nothing like you." Cass told him.
"Don't say he's nothing like me. I'm the only one who understands him." Lucifer said as I scoffed.
"He is nothing like you, for the months he's been on this earth, he's been nothing but loyal. And-and I love him, I don't fall in love with monsters like you." I growled stepping closer to him.
"This power he has? I'm powerful, dangerous ruthless. In the best sense, though."
"And fucking annoying."
"Kill him."
"He can't. He's not strong enough." Lucifer said.
"Dean. You've got the blade!"
"Stop it."
"He's the Devil!"
"Kill him!"
"Stop it!" Jack yelled before wings flattered and he disappeared.
"Well, great. Does that when he's scared." Dean grumbled.
"Way to go, Dada.... Jack!" I called out for my boyfriend before sighing.
"I'll go look for him." Gabriel said before walking off.
"I don't understand all the hostility. You need me." Lucifer said as I glared at him.
"I am a walking weapon. I know this Michael, heck I beat him." I rolled my eyes looking at Dean.
"So how 'bout a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T? Hmm?" He asked as Dean unzipped his backpack.
"In case your innate evil overwhelms this newfound team spirit, you won't mind wearing these then, will you?"
"You're not a full power. They should hold you." The Angel cuff clicked.
"Slap 'em on."
"So if you're here, is the rift closed?" I asked.
"No, it's opened. I left Rowena some grace... So you have I'm thinking 31 hours, give or take?" Lucifer said.

Cass and I sat with Lucifer as Dean and Sam went to go talk, I was too busy thinking about Jack.
"So you and my son huh? How long has that been going on?" Lucifer asked.
"That's none of your business. But I will tell you that he is nothing like you." I told him.
"Hey, mama." I turned to see Mary walking by.
"Miss me? Uhh!" Mary punched him across the cheek as I chuckled.
"That's a yes?"
"Let's go!" Cass said as we moved Lucifer away.
"Come on, Cass, old sport." I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.
"I am not your sport, and I will not broker a relationship between you and your." Cass was cut of by wings fluttering.
"Speaking of the Not Devil." I hit him upside the head.
"It's Jack." He corrected him.
"Jack, talking with Lucifer, it's -- it's not a good idea."
"Yeah. And I still need to yell at you for leaving." I told him.
"I'm not going to talk. I'm gonna listen." Cass and I sighed.
"He's gonna listen." Lucifer said as I kicked him in the shin.

"Bitch!" He groaned jumping on one leg.
I smirked before turning to Jack crossing my arms.
"After we're going to sit down and talk about disappearing." I said.
"I'm sorry."
"Not gonna cut it Kline. Now if you try to make him do anything, I was stab you in the neck." I told Lucifer.
"Fiesty, like your mother." I slapped him as he groaned clearing his throat.
"I have been waiting for this moment for so long, I almost don't know what to say." Lucifer said as I rolled my eyes.
"This dad thing is sort of new to me. So, um do -- do you gave any questions that you want to ask? Don't let my status as I legend hold you back." I laughed.
"Now just fire away."
"Why does everyone hate you?" Jack asked.
"Huh. Wow, he just got right to the -- right to the point. That's good." Lucifer said.
"That's good. Good question. Um." He sniffed as I rolled my eyes.
"So you've, uh, probably heard the stories. Right? Anything ugly happens, any evil befalls the world, it's my fault."
"Fake news. And that's not entirely tr-- well, I mean, yes, I have done things that I am not entirely proud of... I have led the occasional soul to ruin." Lucifer said as Jack just stared at him.
"This is true. But, Jack, it's because humans are so messed up. They're -- they're so willing to be led."
"My mother was human." Said Jack.
"Awesome lady. Incorruptible. Not like that, you know, great kisser." I groaned.
"And, uh, lost my virginity to her. No? Too soon?" I nodded.
"I mean, the point is humans are not perfect. They are hardwired to fall. And when they do, they need a fall guy." Lucifer said.
"That's a vast oversimplification." Cass said.
"Okay, true or false, Cass Juliet -- um, for almost, like, ever, I've been locked away in a Cage?"
"True! It's true. So how did I do all this evil for all these centuries. I wonder?"
"Who locked you up?"
"My dad, 'cause I told the truth." Lucifer said.
"See, he loved humans so much, he couldn't see their flaws. And I told him about it, and he got man. He got -- he felt like I was personally dumping on his masterpiece, and so he kicked me out." Lucifer said.
"And yes, as Cass says, I have done some bad things. I had my reasons, and I just want the opportunity to get better. Doesn't everybody? Don't you?" I scoffed.
"So I want you to think about this." Lucifer said.
"Your grandfather is God. Think about that -- of all the powerful families in history Forget the Tudors, Trumps, Jackson Five. We're numero uno."
"What's he like? God?" Jack asked as Dean came over.
"Hey! Hey!"
"I told you no talking! And I told you no listening." Dean chains.
"Dean, he's chained and I'm here." I told my older brother.
"His mouth isn't. Shoulda gagged him." Dean grumbled.
"No, I need to know about my powers, my family." Jack said.
"Jack, we are your family." Dean said.
"We've been protecting you. We've been honoring your mother's wishes. We're your family." Dean said.
"Jack, you have no idea who Lucifer really is." Sam said.
"And I never will unless I talk to him." Jack said.
"Dean! He's my father."
"We know that Jack." I grabbed his hands.
"But he's been torching us for years, Sam literally was sent to a mental hospital because of your father... But." I pulled him closer.
"If you want a relationship with him, even if it's stupid. I'll tough it out." I said.

"Thank you." He said as I smiled.
His hands wrapped around my waist pulling me in for a kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as Dean groaned.
"Stop." Dean pulled us away from each other.
"I don't know how I let this slide, but when we get home we're talking." I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, Dad." I said before stalking away.

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