Chapter 26

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Dedicated to amazingTabitha2016 the stories biggest fan

Sam held me tightly as I walked into the spell room.
"You had me worried." He told me as I sighed.
"Sorry." I said pulled away.
"It's alright, as long as your safe." I nodded.
Jack sat down.
"This Sergei was legit." Sam asked as Cas held a vile of Gabriel's blood.
"I mean, he was definitely odd, but he seemed honest." Cas replied.
"So, we're still not certain this is gonna work?" I asked biting my nail.
"No, we're not certain, but."
"Children?" We stopped talking.
"Are you ready, Jack?" Rowena asked.
"Yes." Jack replied.
"All right, Here you go." Jack was handed the vile.
Rowena was about to open the scroll but I stopped her.
"Wait." I went in front of Jack leaned down.
"I love you, we love you." I said.
"I love you two, too." I gave him a kiss before going back to the boys.
Rowena nodded at Jack who opened the vile inhaling the grace.
"Potione hac, restitutus Eris. Omnia erunt sicut erant!" The lights started crackling but came back fully on.
"How do you feel babe?" I asked.
"Feel good?" Dean asked.
"I think so." We laughed as Jack stood up smiling at us.
"Definite improvement." I smiled at my brothers.
"That's great." Sam said.
"Jack?" I asked as he held his chest and looked just as bad as before than fell to the ground.
"Did you say the words right." I put Jack's head on my lap.
"I did!" Rowena replied as Jack started coughing.
"Say them again."
Rowena did but nothing happened as Dean and Sam took Jack to the bed.
Cas walked out.

Sam and I sat on either side of Jack as he laid on the bed.
My hand was on my stomach something I now do when I'm nervous or scared.
"Take it easy. Take it easy." Sam said as Jack sat up.
I handed him the gas mask.
"Please don't be sad." Jack said as he saw my red eyes.
"Maybe -- maybe this is how things are supposed to be."
"Don't give me that "meant to be" crap. This isn't part of some damn plan." Dean snapped before walking out.
"Dean." I called.
Jack started gasping and coughing as I tried to keep a brave face.
"Can you tell him, it's okay?" Jack asked us.
"Tell him yourself. He'll be back in a minute." I said.
"Sam what happens next for someone like me?" Jack asked.
"I don't know." Sam replied honestly.
"Than it's gonna be an adventure." Jack said.
He looked at me as I smiled sadly at him.
"Yes? Handsome." I asked.
"I love you and don't stop because of me." Then his eyes shut as tears came to my eyes.
"Jack?" I asked but he was gone.
I started crying silently as Dean and Cas came in.
"He's gone." Sam told them as I sobbed.

I sat on my bed staring down at my phone at the contact I thought I'd never call.
After 15 minutes of debating, I finally hit call.
After the 2nd rang they picked up.
"Caleb, it's Juliet Winchester, I... I need someone to talk too."

2 hours later;

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2 hours later;

I walked into the boxing hall arms crossed over my chest.
In the boxing ring was Caleb Jones, my ex and longtime best friend.
"Juliet." His Irish accent was thick.
"Hey." I said as he jumped off the boxing ring.
"You look..."
"Pregnant?" He chuckled.
"Yeah... hey what's wrong?" I fell into his arms and started sobbing.
"Let's go into my office."

Caleb held a photo of Jack as I silently sipped on my hot chocolate.
"I'm so sorry, Juliet." I wiped my eyes.
"He just died, he never got a chance to meet the baby. And it just hurts so much." I said.
His hand laid on my knee as he looked in my eyes.
"If you ever need anyone to talk too or help with the baby. Do not hesitate to call." I nodded.
"Thank you, Caleb." I said as he nodded.
"Of course." My eyes wandered to the clock.
"I should be getting back before Sam and Dean worry." I said.
"Okay." We stood up.
He pulled me into his arms as I inhaled his scent.
We pulled away as he moved hair away from my face.
"Call me when you get home. So I know your safe." I nodded.
"I will."
"Come on, I'll walk you out."

I arrived back to the bunker, a while later and went straight to my room.
Sitting on my bed was Cas, his hair a mess and coat off.
"You okay?" I shut the door.
"Yeah, I just had a couple of drinks." I nodded.
"Lay down." I chuckled.
He laid on my bed as I helped him take off his shoes and socks.
"Close your eyes while I change." He nodded covering his eyes as I chuckled.
I stripped from my clothes and grab one of Jack's shirts, putting it on.
After I climbed into bed, resting my head on his chest.
"Is this okay?" Cas asked.
"I just don't want to be alone tonight." I said as he nodded.
"Goodnight, Juliet."
"Goodnight, Cas." I closed my eyes.

Juliet Winchester -Jack KlineWhere stories live. Discover now