Chapter 22 : Sorry.....Or Not?

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'What the hell just happened, how can I be so dumb' I sat on my bed while the scenes from few minutes ago were Playing in my head like a damn film.

'Uhhh stop thinking about that' I held my head getting irritated, 'but that kiss was the most amazing one, you can't deny that' came a voice from my mind, What the hell am I thinking, god this is so frustrating stop thinking about that brain. All the feelings for him that I had tried to avoid all these years were now again resurfacing, this was the thing that I feared. I am just scared that what will happen if he comes to know about the truth, which will definitely happen in future. If this all had happened with him knowing about my reality, I would have been the happiest person but the circumstances are different. I wish that this idea of hiding my identity from him had never came to my mind, I was so stupid, how did I not think about the result of this when he comes to know the reality. One thing is for sure that after whatever happened tonight I cannot deny the fact that I have feelings for him, much stronger than I thought.

After few hours of accusing myself for whatever mess I had created I decided to sleep and give my mind some amount of rest, that too seemed hard as all I could see when I close my eyes was the kiss. After hundreds of attempts I finally slept only to wake up again after 3 hours because of my alarm.

'I need a cup of tea right now to keep myself sane' I was sitting in my balcony sipping my tea, there was no need to go to the exhibition hall as both my paintings were sold. I knew that my mom will tell me to come back home as soon as she knows about this, and that was making me sad. I had got so used to seeing Sid and talking with him especially because of the time when I had to live in his house. How will I face him after whatever happened yesterday? Then suddenly I realised how would he be feeling after whatever I did last night, I literally pushed him without saying anything and.... Damn!! He would be accusing himself about that when the fault was mine, he shouldn't have kissed me like that but I responded to it and thats why he went ahead, it wasn't entirely his fault too... The doorbell rang suddenly

'What if it's him?' I got nervous just thinking about that, I moved towards the door and opened it

"Before you say anything I just want to say that I am sorry, it was all my fault, I shouldn't have done that without your permission, I know whatever I did cannot be forgiven but believe me I didn't do it intentionally, by the time I realised what I was doing it was already too late, I am really really sorry" Sid said as soon as I opened the door

I was looking at him like a fool not knowing what to say or do. I couldn't believe that the 16 year old boy which I had seen in my childhood could apologise to anyone.

"It's... It's okay, I am not angry...." Before I could continue he spoke something which shocked me to the core

"If you are thinking that I am going to say all these stuff then you are wrong because I know that this is not something that only I feel, infact after last night's incidents I am more clear about it. And please don't say that I don't feel anything for you or something like that because I am not going to believe it" he said confidently

It took me a few seconds to believe that this was happening in real, it was like I had just lost my thinking capacity.

"I am not a person who stretches things so I am being very honest when I say that I like you, so please stop running away from the truth" he said confidently as if he knew that whatever he was saying was true

"What... What do you mean?" I asked him trying to find my own voice

"I just want an answer, I am not saying that we should start dating or anything like that but I am just asking you to give me an answer, wether you too like me or not, yes or no" he said " Though I know what the real answer is but I still want to hear it from you" he continued in his bossy tone

This man!! I sware he's the most egoistic person I have ever met in my life. I was thinking that he might be guilty for whatever he did but here he is shamelessly standing in front of me

"Will you speak something atleast" he asked as I wasn't saying anything

"I don't like you" I said straight away, partly because I was angry at his behaviour and partly because I couldn't say yes even if I wanted to

"You are lying" he said in the same tone

"Didn't you said that you wanted to hear it from me? So this is the answer, I don't like you.... At all" I glared at him

"What's your problem, why are you behaving like a stubborn kid?" He asked me getting irritated

"So when you don't get the answer that you want to hear the person becomes stubborn?" I said folding my hands

"You know what the truth is, you can lie to me but not yourself" he said

"I said the truth already, you can leave now" I told him not bothering about what he said before

"We will see that" he said with a smirk and left, what's with that look now? He definitely seemed upto something. He's unbelievable he was behaving completely different till tomorrow



An update finally!! It's short maybe but this is all I could come up with😝

Happy New Year to Everyone ♥️
Hope this new year brings lots of happiness to all of your life's, can't believe 2018 is going to end!! wasn't it 2017 a few days back 😕😕 okay won't blabber much, enjoy your day with your loved ones and eat lots of tasty food😉

*Not important you can skip this if you are lazy like me😂*
Also I wanted to share something, it's totally not related to the book though. So I was searching through my book and found my 2018's new years resolutions, I decided to check which ones I completed, there were total 12 of them and I would like to inform you all that not even one was completed 😂😂 so as always my 2018's new year resolutions are going to be my 2019's resolutions 🤭 does this happens with you too?

See ya♥️

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