Chapter 25 : No matter what.....

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"What do you mean by you don't like pizza's?" Well if you didn't already get it from the sentence - I am pissed!

What happened is : when we reached the restaurant I order pizza (is that even a question?) and Sidharth ordered something else which led me into asking him why won't he order one for himself too as he said that this place sells one of the best pizza's but this man actually said that he doesn't like PIZZA...... Can you believe it, now it might not be much of a big deal for a normal person but it is for me! Like pizza is my most favourite dish and he doesn't like that? It's such a disrespect towards my pizza.

"Why are you glaring at me?" He chuckled, he really chuckled

"You are weird" I said shaking my head

"Thanks for the compliment" he smiled

What's wrong with him? Ain't he smiling too much today?

"On a second thought it's good I won't have to share my pizza"

"I said I don't like it not that I won't eat it" he smirked

"Well ofcourse you can but not from my plate" I glared " Don't even think about taking a bite from it" I showed him the fork trying to threaten him

"Well I like challenges and you really think you are going to scare me with that tiny little fork" he laughed

"Obviously I can"

"Let's see" he smirked again

"Stop smirking I will kill you"

"No maybe you wanted to say 'stop smirking you look hot' "

"Get over yourself please" I rolled my eyes

I looked at him suspiciously when my pizza arrived

"Don't worry I am not going to risk my life just for a bite of pizza" he said pretending to be scared

Ah someone is in a good mood today

"I am paying" I said as the bill arrived

"No wai-"

"Please don't argue as it's of no use" I said before he argues any further and handed my card to the waiter

"You are so stubborn, aren't you?" he smiled

Seems like it's a 'smile day' for him today, I chuckled thinking how stupid it sounded, he was about to say something when his phone started ringing

"I- I will have to take this, will be back in a minute" he stood up with some troubled expression, I wanted to ask if anything was wrong but decided to ask it later and just nodded

I thought of going out instead of waiting there to get some fresh air, I love nights it brings such calm, cool and serene feeling and was enjoying it until someone decided to break it

"Seriously! Didn't you think you should atleast inform me before you go exploring the place!" I saw an angry Sid approaching me

"I was freaking searching for you everywhere inside and here you are without any worries" he came to hault just a step away from me

"I- I just thought.... I mean it looked beautiful so-" I tried to explain

"So you just barged out without telling anyone or thinking anything" he spat

"Gosh sorry I forgot stop yelling, what's wrong with you?"

"Get in the car" he turned and started walking towards the parking

What! Just a 'get in the car' I sware this guy sometimes makes me think like there are two people in him- one who is smug and caring while other.... well let's just not talk about it. I decided to not take the argument any further and sat in the car

We reached the apartment the whole ride was filled with silence, I saw how sid's grip on the steering wheel was tightened and thought it would be better to just stay silent

I wanted to ask what happened, whether everything was okay and much more but couldn't

The lift doors opened and I stepped out searching for my keys when a hand gripped my wrist and pulled me to the opposite side, I looked at Sid who was heading towards his flat

"Where are you taking me" wow a very intelligent question pari

He unlocked the door and entered in me trailing behind, he placed both of his hands towards my side and made me sit on his couch

"Just sit" he sighed placing himself next to me and put his head in the crook of my neck, he took a deep breath shocking me about the sudden change in the environment

"Is everything okay" it came out barely as a whisper

"I am so sorry for overreacting like that" he spoke

"Hey it's okay you don't need to apologise" I said slightly tilting my head towards his

"No I need to, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" he signed

"It's fine really, don't over analyse it" I placed a hand on his cheek

"I had took you out so that I could... ask you something but I had to as always screw up.... Always, I loose my mind too easily and do, speak things that I don't mean... Just so stupid" he spoke moving a little away from me

"What did you want to ask?" He looked at me hesitantly "you know you can tell me anything right?" I tried to assure him

"I- I was going to say that.... That.. you know as..... Damn how do I say it, okay I wanted to ask" he straightened up taking a deep breath which made an involuntary chuckle escape from me

"Seriously" he glared at me

"Sorry it's just that you look cute all worked up" I smiled

"Cute eh" he said proudly

"Damn not again" I sighed

"So as I was saying...." He continued being serious again

"That... You know we like each other right, so.... " He trailed looking at me

Wait is he trying to say what I am thinking

"So... Can we be together?" He almost whispered

"Wha-what?" I asked partially shocked

"Can we be together" he said clearly this time

"Woah" I said and sat back still digesting the words he had just spoken

"I know, I know it sometimes can be difficult to be with me but I will try my best I sware, I do loose my temper and behave inappropriately sometimes but-"

"Yes!" I said stopping him from whatever he was blabbering

"What?" He looked at me doubting whether he heard me saying that

"Yes, I am saying yes... As much dull as your way of telling someone to date you was, Yes!" I looked at him and smiled

He hugged me in a bone crushing way and I hugged him back

No matter how f**ked up the situation is, no matter whatever the result is if your childhood crush asks you to date them you say yes! And so did I without thinking about the consequences or troubles....... only if I knew

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