Chapter 27 : Shopping

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I had never hid anything from nishi and I so wanted to tell him the truth but I was scared, not about what he would say... like I am insane to pull off such a stunt or how stupid it is of me but that whatever he says would be true and I have dug my own grave. It was too late for damage repair anyways, I don't even want to think about the havoc that will be created because of this and so decided to do the thing I am best at, stop thinking about it at all. I had to leave for my house in two days which I hadn't informed Sid about yet and I didn't know how was I supposed to tell that to him..... Why is my life so difficult! I groaned in frustration.

By the way siya's visiting me today which was the only thing I was looking forward to for now, I don't remember the last time I had a girly conversation and I so needed this. Sid as usual was busy in his work, that workoholic bitch. That made me think about how hot he would look in his "working mode" ordering everyone around, all serious with a no nonsense attitude.... Fuck that's such a turn on! Oh god I am a big perv! but can you blame me? it's not my fault that he freaking looks like a model straight out of some fitness magazine, what about the girls that works under him, no! Not under him..  with him.... Yeah that sounds less wrong Nothing wrong with that sentence it's you who is Weird the other voice in my mind said... Whatever. Coming back to the point that girls for sure would want a chance with him, maybe even tried to flirt with him? That bitches! Yeah creating stupid scenarios and getting jealous over it is totally a Pari Malhotra thing to do. I decided to get ready rather than wasting my time over getting jealous as we were going for Shopping, siya wanted to buy a gift as her boyfriends birthday was in a few days but Mr. Rude would definitely not give her a leave for such reason so she pestered me to convince him that I was the one who had to go shopping and needed Siya's help.... and he agreed, I totally hadn't expected that.

"Hieeee!" siya exclaimed barging in

"Oh there is something called a doorbell but it's okay I guess" I said in a light manner

"You shouldn't keep your door unlocked that way, what if it was some psycho killer instead of me?" She placed her bag on the sofa

"I can protect myself, I have taken Karate and self defence classes" I winked

" Yes obviously doing Karate is easier than locking the door" she mumbled

"Uhuh should I call your boss and tell him the real reason about this whole plan" I fake threatened

"What no! Keep your door open all day all night.... I was just joking" she immediately took a 180 degree turn

"Why are you so scared of him" I shook my head laughing

"Just because he is all sweet and cute around you doesn't mean that applies to us too, believe me if you were working under him you too would have the same reaction" oh I wish I was working under him.... Ugh not again you pervert woman, stupid stupid brain!

"Let's go" I said taking my bag

I thought of buying some dresses for myself as I had no self control when it came to clothes and footwears

"So do girls at your workplace... You know-" I asked siya while we were checking out some kurtis

"Have a Crush on my boss? Offcourse yes" she cut me off and laughed

"Please be serious" I said turning to her

"What? You don't believe that girls in our company are basically drooling over him all the time?" She raised her eyebrow and smiled

"All the time?" I scrunched my nose

"Yeah, like how he talks or walks, how he gets down from his car, how he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt etc etc" she said waving her hands in a bored tone

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