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Chapter 01: The Curse Of Anek-su-namun.

This chapter is dedicated to my little sister adewumiayomide22, for her support and ideas. She's an angel...also you can check out her profile for her amazing books. 😘

1307-1306 BC.

This story happened many years ago, during the Reign of Ramses The First.

It all began in Thebes, the city of the living. Crown jewel of Pharaoh Menpehtyre Ramses the first, home of Imhotep, High priest of Osiris, keeper of the dead.

Birth place of Anek-su-namun, Pharaoh's mistress, yet she was his wife.

No other man was allowed to touch her except Pharaoh, for he loved Anek-su-namun so much that he placed her high above his subjects. But unknown to him, his beloved mistress was having a secret affair with the high priest. Imhotep.

Anek-su-namun, pretending she belongs to Pharaoh loves Imhotep with all her heart and Imhotep loves her with every breath in his body; so for their love they were willing to risk anything even if it was to take life itself.

However, Anek-su-namun had a rival, an arch enemy who has always yearned for her downfall. A scorpion waiting for the right time to sting her to her death. A lioness waiting to tear her into pieces, feeding her carcass to the vultures.

She is no other woman but Pharaoh's chief wife, Sitre. The Queen of all Egypt.

Beautiful, feisty, cunning, smart, revered, ruthless and esteemed above all, dawned with immense beauty like Isis herself.

Sitre was not favored as much as Anek-su-namun due to the fact that Pharaoh deemed his mistress more desirable than her.

However, Sitre been a woman of pride and dignity, wasn't moved by the foolishness of her dear husband for he was blinded by dammed lustfulness which he didn't feel even an ounce of regret for his actions towards her.

But then, within the depths of Sitre's heart, she knew that the only way for her to retain her power and title as Chief Wife, was to bear the prince's circlet; an heir to the throne which she carries in her womb.

Sitre, having lost affection for her husband, awaits the day she will be declared Queen Regent of Egypt. If this power is granted, then Anek-su-namun will be nothing more than a piece of cake before her platter.


On a delightful evening, an Arabian horse drawn chariot driven by Pharoah comes barreling it's way through the golden gates into the courtyard.

He dismounts himself from the chariot and proceed to Anek-su-namun's chambers.

He is aristocratic, virile, indescribable, feared among-st his subjects and most of all old.

At the palace window: dusk. Glaring out over the city and its setting sun was a handsome muscular man with intense evil eye, he's heart full of darkness and death, he's mindset full of wrath and strife. He is no other man but Pharaoh's Chief High Priest, Imhotep.

From Anek-su-namun's balcony Imhotep watched the glorious city Egypt, aiming that one day the empire would be his to rule.

However, while he glared at the sun, a gorgeous olive skinned goddess walk past him, giving him a sensual look before entering the outer foyer.

She is half naked on a skin tight dress but rather her entirely naked body was as if her skin was painted with contour. What a stunning sight to behold.

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