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Chapter 02: The Death Of Imhotep.

Principally, Sitre locked the sarcophagus of Anek-su-namun's in a vault, adjoining the tomb with a key, and then hid the sacred map in the Temple of Thoth were only she could have access to, and then after the ritual was completed she returned back to the palace.

Before the rise of dawn, on an auspicious day, there at the imperial capital, in the Palace of Malkata, before the whole kingdom, Sitre was crowned Queen Regent. The sole ruler of the two lands.

To exercise her power as the new Queen Regent of Egypt, Sitre massed the lybian axemen, the chariots along with the Sardinian swordsmen to destroy all of Anek-su-namun's clan.

Not one life was speared nor did any soul obtain mercy.

All of them were massacred, wiped out like a plague and their corpses thrown into the River Nile as supper to the crocodiles.

Notwithstanding, Sitre didn't feel at ease, she knew with the edict she had commanded, someone was watching her closely to take revenge, but then without a shadow of doubt she started suspecting some of the imperial court members strongly, that she placed spy's to watch their every move.

This investigation continued for weeks until the truth was finally revealed to her that the high priest Imhotep had a hand in Pharaoh's death; he was Anek-su-namun's secret lover.

Hearing this treachery, Sitre ordered the arrest of Imhotep but just as her bid was about to be carried out, the warning bell sounded rigorously.

Imhotep had broken into the Temple of Thoth and stolen the key to the vault of Anek-su-namun and the sacred map of Egypt.

To resurrect his lover, Imhotep and his priests finally broke into Anek-su-namun's crept and stole her body.

They raced deep into the desert taking her corpse to Hamunaptra, city of the dead, ancient burial site for the sons of Pharaoh's and resting place for the wealth of Egypt.

Along with his entourage Imhotep lead a touch lit procession across the dunes, Anek-su-namun's mummy was carried by Nubian slaves. They put her down in the sand, along with five jewel encrusted jars.

For his love, Imhotep dared the gods anger by going into the sacred tomb of Horus and takes the book of the living from its holy sacrilege.

Anek-su-namun's soul had been cursed and sent to the underworld by Sitre, her body mummified, her vital organs removed and placed in five sacred canopic jars.

Imhotep, filled with with dread, reads from the book of the living, made out of pure gold.

The book of the living contained sacred incarnations which sends the evil dead on a journey into the dark world.

During the ritual, strange light suddenly flashes through across the face of slaves and the egyptian solders. Suddenly, everyone fear filled eyes rises, as if watching Anek-su-namun's body rising.

Then, a huge light flashes, accompanied by a blast of the wind and it was over. Anek-su-namun's body, now lies twisted on the ground. Imhotep priest, placed the body into a stone sarcophagus.

The Nubian slaves lowered it into a hole and buried it with sand. Imhotep then signals to the solders, who throws their spears at the Nubians killing them.

Imhotep's knife wielding priests attack the now unarmed solders, hacking at them in flickering darkness as Imhotep and the head mumia solemnly watches.

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