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Chapter 05: Betrayed By Blood.

7 years later.

Upon Pharaoh's death, his chief wife Sitre, ascended the throne as Queen Regent and ruled for seven years.

Soon, she would be crowned and coronated as history's first female Pharoah before the next sunset of the golden jubilee.

But, this proclamation was to no avail, the Queen's demands was rejected, because someone was polluting the minds of the imperial councils with venom.

It was said to be a rumor that half of the royal clansmen, founding officials and the imperial courtiers resented a woman usurping the throne and then they colluded to overthrow her reign.

However, to overthrow a leader, it will take a man with a strong will, one rather unshakable, and this was the main problem, someone lured half of these noble men to commit a sin, an unforgivable one that only Amun-Ra the god of all gods could forgive.

Before the whole court, this man is seen as a good reputable noble, full of wisdom and mischief yet in the eyes of Sitre he's nothing but a mere thorn in her flesh; a thorn she yearns to rip out by nook or by crook.

A man whose path is broad with good deeds and glory yet his heart is filled with nothing but eternal darkness: envy, jealousy and pretense. He is the terror behind Sitre's reign.

From what i can remember, The man is a pang, he is no other person but the late Pharaoh's twin brother, Prince Horemeb. Sitre's brother in-law.

And the story you need to know began many years ago. The kingdom of Egypt was established under the reigns of past pharaohs, but in the nineteenth century, the Great Pharaoh Menpehtyre Ay, father of Rameses I and Horemeb was a powerful ruler.

Although the eldest son Horemeb was not crowned, because of his conniving nature, due to his dysfunctional brain, mental issues probably, yet Horemeb blamed it only on his physical disabilities and misfortune, and it caused great turmoil on him.

So instead of putting the kingdom at risk, Pharoah Menpehtyre Ay, crowned his youngest son Rameses as the pharoah of Egypt, because he's an idealist, he treats everyone with compassion and love and also saves his subjects in times of trials and tribulations.

This gave the rise of profane hatred in Horemeb's heart against his brother, moreover when he learned his brother died at the hands of Anek-su-namun, he jubilated.

He's thoughts were after his brother death, he'd be announced as the new Pharoah, but no, fate was not on his side. his sister In-law was proclaimed Queen Regent because she beared the prince's circlet; the heir.

However, Horemeb will do everything in his power to make sure Sitre is abdicated as Queen Regent, because he hates to see her with the attributes like that of a man, when she's nothing but a mere woman: a wanton, a weakling, unworthy, ungathered, not fit to rule the empire.

On the other hand, Sitre too will stop at nothing, till she have the Prince's head on a spike. Yet, the tempest causing the dispute between both royalties, will be decided by the fate of the gods.

Sitre's was meant to be crowned Pharoah on an auspicious day but half of the imperial court objected the Queen's demand, adhering to the favor of Prince Horemeb, becoming the next Pharoah of Egypt.

So to the quench the fire on the mountain, the Queen was going to test the loyalty of the imperial council, finding out were their loyalty lies: her's or the prince. And that day was today.


At the rise of a new dawn, Sitre sent a message to the whole imperial capital: the princes, the governors, captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, the lieutenants and all the rulers of the provinces. All were summoned to the Palace of Malkata.

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