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Chapter 08: Pharoah Of Egypt.

Fifteen years later, Sitre stepped down as Queen, her son Sethi assumed the throne, and he was crowned the new Pharoah of Egypt.

But with the Akkadians in bondage, so did it happen like magic on the surface of the earth.

On a breezy night with the stars aligning at their horizon, to test the fate of mankind, Set the god of evil, cast into Egypt; a seed of a man. The one who will ruin the future of Egypt.

In a brick inn of a widow, who lost her husband a month after the birth of her son, a small reed woven ark is on a old table in her house.

Indistinctly, by the flickering reflected light from the cooking brazier, Azenath placed her new born son into the ark of bulrushes, but there was no pitch on it.

"He's so beautiful and healthy mother" Mariam remarked. Azenath smiled holding the fragile hand of her baby boy.

"Yes he is Mariam, he's so beautiful and precious like the first dawn, but I'm afraid we can't hide him any much longer." Azenath said looking sad and bitter, when she could no longer hide him, instead she decided to put him an ark of bulrushes.

She wrapped her child in a worn red white and black piece torn from his father's Akkadian robe.

Watching the steps the widow took, pleased him dearly. Since his father Amun-Ra, couldn't give him the kingdom to rule, Set vowed to annihilate Egypt, rather than to watch her proposer.


On the other hand was Horus, god of air, the god loved and cherished Egypt more than anything, The kingdom was rich and bountiful blessed by the gods everyday of its existence.

However, Horus was troubled, he sensed a huge threat, he had seen in a vision the dark deeds of his uncle. The god had placed an evil seed amongst the Akkadians to deliver them out of bondage and destroy the Empire.

Without hesitation, Horus sent a message to the priests. A message of a fallen star, that will enter the heart of Egypt. This message, was no ordinary message, it was known as the prophecy of a destiny and it's doom.

Nevertheless, that same eerie night, from this tiny, fragile bundle of newborn humanity, the flickering light dissolves to the council room, revealing Pharaoh Seti, High Priest and The Commander of host.

Seti seated in a chair of state, upon a low dias, his age, his immobile hawk face chiseled into granite lines by time.

Behind him stand the fan-bearer at the King's right chair, a scribe sits crossed legged on the steps, with writing materials upon his kneels.

To one side, below the dias, a sardinian swordsman in horned helmet above narrow, savage eyes is on duty as a personal bodyguard.

Before the Pharaoh was the High Priest Jannes, with shaven head and a leopard skin of priestly authority draped over his white linen. he is reporting a matter of importance to the Pharaoh.

"Divine One, last night our astrologers saw an evil star, enter into the house of Egypt" Jannes said as Pharaoh Seti leans toward him, troubled.

"Meaning war?" He said. The Commander of the host, a sun-darkened veteran, takes a challenging step forward.

"From the frontiers of Sinai and Libya to the cataracts of the Nile, what nation would dare to draw the sword against us!" The Commander said to the priest.

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