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Chapter 04: The Howls Of Wolves & Jackals.

1 year later.

After the celebration had ended it's cause, Egypt lapsed into a dark mood: mourning the death of her Pharoah.

The whole member of the royal family was in a state of grief. All the wives, concubines, sons and daughters of Pharoah wore black for fifty days, morning their king, except for Queen Sitre the widow, who wore white as per her title as Chief Wife.

Already, the Queen was worn out from so much grief but her present state was nothing but a frame of joy.

Her consolation was not from the wealth and riches she acquired, nor was it from the condolences, but the gifts the gods had given her: a son to rule and a princess to continue the royal lineage.


Sitre, beautifully draped in a white-silver robe of honor, with ornaments of gold pins and precious stones adorned on her raven hair and neck.

She stood by the edge of her balcony carrying her one year old son Prince Sethi, her daughter Princess Zaya was already asleep in her cradle.

Having only the prince awake in her arms, the Queen took this opportunity to show him the glory of Egypt. The empire that will one day become his to rule without a shadow of a doubt.

Behind her was a golden couch of state, covered by a white canopy; baskets of scrolls were layed out unsealed, papyrus's of state were placed on a low mahogany table, a cheetah lying on the floor sleeping.

Sitre having taken up the reins of the kingdom, being an astute woman, focused on the welfare of the kingdom. Yet the words of the old never dies, for they say a kingdom without a king is ripe for the picking.

However the Queen Regent could hear the howls of the jackals making their move towards the throne. Words of usurping have been whispered in her ears but she didn't take heed.

Nevertheless, like the hiss of a sword the rumour was spreading like a disease in the palace. It all became clear that a member of the royal family is planning a coup with some ministers to take over the throne.

Hearing this, Sitre's heart darkened, her thoughts went far in advance. Her mindset started racing with vivacity.

Her imaginations were crowded with questions unanswered. Yet she vowed not be affected by it, for she knew the day will come when she would set things straight like the way she ended Anek-su-namun and her lover Imhotep.

While she was looking over the city from her balcony with the little prince, the royal herald announced the arrival of her eunuch, Basi. He walked into the Queen's chamber bearing scrolls of state that needed to the stamped with the imperial seal.

"Greetings Your Majesty" He called out from the antechamber as a slave ushered him into the cellar, he was now led to were Sitre was. Ascending the thresholds, he processed to the balcony as he quickly gave obeisance to his mistress.

"Your Majesty" he enters behind the Queen, his voice filled with so much joy that it made the little prince clap and giggle happily.

"Pardon me Your Grace, i didn't mean to disturb your quiet time with the prince" Basi stood six steps away looking over to the little prince with amazement filled in his eyes.

Queen Of Egypt: The Mummy {The Rise Of Sitre} Where stories live. Discover now