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Chapter 06: A Sacrificial Tribute

Not hastily, the golden doubles doors of the Malkata Palace cracks open, as all eyes turn to see the Queen of Egypt walking into the courtroom, carrying the little prince in her arms.

Sitre processed towards the golden throne majestically like a goddess that walked on the coals of fire.

Either sides, the imperial courtiers gave obeisance, craning for a look, exchanging whispers of astonishment to see the first lady of egypt looking all radiant and regal.

Striding forward, she ascends the chiseled stairs and then the dias not acknowledging their homages with gracious nods, her eyes were only fixed on the golden seat on the dias

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Striding forward, she ascends the chiseled stairs and then the dias not acknowledging their homages with gracious nods, her eyes were only fixed on the golden seat on the dias.

Nevertheless, finally enthroned on the dias in all the sublime dignity of the greatest ruler on the earth, is Sitre.

Grave silence engulfed the courtroom as everyone waited anxiously waiting to hear the voice of the woman sitting on the throne of Egypt.

Solemnly the room was quiet, the only voice heard was the giggling and cooing of the little prince. The innocent lad did nothing yet he was tugging his mother's hand. Sitre smiled at him, pouting her mouth, tickling him as his laugh aroused the room.

"I'm surprised you all made it here so early, even though I arrived late." She gave a quick glance around the room and then back to her son.

"Aye Your Majesty, you summoned us, it is our duty to honour your call, as we all know, the crown waits for no one." The Chief High Priest said loyally. Sitre smirked, giving a half smile.

"And that I thank you all for honouring my call." She nods as they gave obeisance, all except Horemeb, who stood like a log of wood staring at her.

Sitre did nothing but stare back at him, their orbs didn't flinch but evoked flames of hate burning in their without shades of smokes unseen.

"I see." She scoffs, shaking her head with pity. "They say to avoid thorns from poking you in the eyes, you observe them from a safe distance."

"Most certainly you're right my Queen, the eagle's eyes is always sharp from a distance. It sees it's enemies from afar?." Egypt's senator gave a faint smile with pretense lingering on his tone, Amazed, Sitre slowly averted her gaze to him, rather not shocked but with a glare of loathe, she chuckled deeply.

If only he knew, he was going to die today, he wouldn't utter a word, for the moment he stood before her, he was nothing but a roach before her eyes.

"I must say that I am very delighted that my son is still very little, but then I helped him rule as a Regent and Dowager. What was wrong with that?. Yet some of you had to oppose me." She inhales deeply, shaking her head, looking at them with disdain.

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