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Chapter 07: A Bloody Massacre.

Although, whilst the butchery continued, Prince Horemeb was trying to recover from shock as he stood unmoved, watching his allies being slaughtered like cattles in the abattoir.

The sound of horrifying screams and cries sent a pang of fear through his heart.

"How can you stand and watch, while our people are being hacked to death, move! you dogs, kill the guards and that slave Sitre." Horemeb spoke outrageously to his guards, as they stood still, not moving an inch.

"Didn't you hear him fools....Kill her." Egypt's senator said looking frightened, he walks up to one of the entourage to draw out his sword but unluckily for him, one of his personal guards plunge his spear through him.

Horemeb winced at the sight, he watched the senator's fall like a light feather. Angered, he turns to look at Sitre above the dias smirking wickedly.

Like a madman, he draws out his sword and began ascending the dias." Harlot! you bribed and bought my people, how conniving."

He launched to attack her but upon his approach to strike her, swiftly, Sitre draws out a dagger from its sheath, underneath her baby's shawl, blocking the attack.

"Not conniving Horemeb, it is called the statecraft." She said as she quickly pushed the sword, slitting his throat, spilling blood on her face.

Stilled like time, Horemeb's sword fell off his hands, he staggered backwards, sinking on his knees slowly like a leaf, holding his throat, his eyes were blinking rapidly.

Gently he lifts his head to look at Sitre shocked, the Queen did nothing but stare back with irritation and strife.

She averts her gaze from him to scene before her. The swing of swords, and thrusting of spears were heard from every angle of the courtroom, the bitter cries of traitors was like music to her ears, and she loved it.

However, tearing her gaze from it and averting it back to Horemeb, she curved her lips with mockery.

"I protected and nourished you, loved you like my own blood, set you before anything else, yet you dare make rebellion against me." She widened her eyes with fury as the Prince choke out blood helplessly, dying slowly. She deepthroated.

Throwing the dagger to one side and picking up his own sword, Sitre proceeded to her brother in-law, peered at him. "You want to be Pharoah of Egypt don't you?, You want to rule the world, expand her horizon to the sun like Ra himself."

She hissed, he coughs again, holding his throat, still choking out blood. Tenderly with the little prince in her left arm, the Queen draws near to his ear, whispering the words of treachery.

"No one writes Egypt's destiny, except the gods Horemeb, it is only them that decides the affairs of men, and that is why Ma'at said those who live by the sword, will surely die by the sword."

Sitre said raising the sword, within the twinkle of an eye, before the loyal men, she beheaded him. Like raindrops, blood gushed out like streams of vengeance dripping down the dias. The droplets of blood at the edge of Horemeb's sword dripped rapidly.

Casting the sword at the side of corpse. Sitre bent to raise the head of her brother in-law for Sethi to see. The innocent little prince did nothing but stare blankly and then giggle mildly, causing his mother to smiled with fulfilment.

Nonetheless, Sekmat plunged his sword into the hearts of traitors, whilst the echoes of death continues, Sitre turns to her eunuch. "Basi"

"Yes.. your majesty" Like a bee, the eunuch rushes to the side of his mistress.

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