Toto Pectore

276 24 20
  • Dedicated to Don't look back now, Alice.

Hush now, Alice, don't make a sound,

Can't you hear the echoes resound

Inside the hole, the cavity in my chest,

Where I've removed my steady-beating pest.

Don't worry, now, Alice dear,

There's nothing left for us to fear.

No emotion left to get in the way,

Just skin and bones and time to pay.

Don't be scared, Alice, I can still rhyme in ditties,

Though, void of care, I could burn down cities,

So I'd be careful and watch what you say

And let not your promised trust betray.

Oh, Alice, my dear, why should it matter,

If in madness, I confess, I rival the Hatter?

You asked for my heart, was this what you wanted?

I've gift-wrapped it for you, I hope you're not haunted.

And Alice, you still look stunning as ever,

So I'll ask you a favour, not cruel, I'd never,

But there's one thing I'd ask for you to part,

Would you, Alice dear, give me your heart?

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