The Right Arm

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"Alright hermanos, hop in" said Jorge who had just lead us out of the building and into the back. Jorge leads us to a big truck that could fit more people than we had.
"I get shotgun" I hear Newt say. There such dorks. I sit behind Newt and beside Thomas and Minho. Brenda, Teresa, Aris and Frypan sit behind us.
"All ready hermanos?" Asks Jorge. I nod impatiently.

Jorge starts the car and backs out.
"Do you think this safe haven is actually real?" I ask as we drive down a dirt road. Everyone look at me.
"It has to be real." Says Frypan as he places his hand on my shoulder from behind me.
"And if its not real, at least were away from WICKED." Says Newt. I nod in agreement.

"So, any funny stuff that would happen in your maze?" I ask looking at everyone. They all seem to smirk at my question which make butterflys flutter in my stomach.
"There was this one time Newt was taking a shower and we took all of his clothes." Minho says as everyone breaks out into laughter, except Newt who just face palmed.
"He ran around the maze with a towel for like 15 minutes" Minho manages to say in between laughters.
I lean foward towards Newts seat and place my chin on his shoulder as I look at him.
"Is that true Newt?" I ask looking at him with a smile. He slightly turns his face towards me making me blush and I can tell that hes blushing as well.
"Unfortunately, yes" he says through a smile. I sit back in my seat and start chuckling. Minho nudges me on the arm and wiggles his brows at me. I hit him in the chest causing him to wheeze.

"The first time I came in the box, when I woke up I went onto like this tree house perch thing and starting throwing things at the boys." Says Teresa. I look behind me and raise my brows at her.
"Really?" I ask.
"Its true, she also hit Gally straight in the head with a rock" says Thomas as he turns back to Teresa as well. Everyone bursts out laughing.
"I ship it." I accidentally say out loud. I cover my mouth right after I said that. Thomas and Teresa look at me.
"Wait ship who?" Asks Minho as he looks at me.
"Thomas and Teresa" I say say as I purse my lips. I can Thomas and Teresa blush. Thomas sits back in his seat and covers his face.
"Your one to talk about crushes..." I hear Thomas mutter.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask lookimg at thomas. He looks at me with his mouth opened with a dumbfounded face.
"Are you kidding me? We all know that you have a crush on Newt" says Thomas as he looks back anf fourth from Newt and I. I begin to blush tremendously and I can see that Newt is doing the same.
"I-I do not" I say as I cross my arms and look out the window.
"Oh my gosh you totally do!" Says Brenda as she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"No I dont." I say sternly.
"Come on stop denying it, we all know Newt likes you back anyways." Says Minho with a smirk on his face. Newt turns around and looks at us.
"What?! I-I do not." Says Newt, his thick british accent comes out stronger when hes flustered and this time is no exception. His face is as red as a tomato, and its so cute.
"Come on guys, and Newt didnt you tell me that you guys like kissed?" Says Minho. Newt closes his eyes and purses his lips.
"Wait what!?" Says everyone else in the car. They look at me intently waiting for my response.
"We were in a sticky situation and a lady wouldnt let go of Newt until she thought we were in a relashionship, so I kissed him. It meant nothing." I lie. Of course the kiss meant something. I look at Newt as I say that and I can see that he is slightly dissapointed with my answer.
"Oh sureeeee" says Thomas as he exaggerates the 'e'. I roll my eyes and continue to stare out my window. I yawn as I watch parts of the dead land disappear behind me. My eyes get heavy and are beginning to be hard to stay awake, so I dont fight it for very long.

***Time Skip***

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.
"Y/n...we have to walk from here." Says somone. I look over to see Newt hovering over me. I yawn as I open my door and step out. Newt follows behind me.
"We shoulsnt have to walk far hermanos" says Jorge as he begins to walk, we follow close behind. We are walking on what used to be a road, there are broken down cars everywhere and mountains as far as I can see.
"This is the mountains they shouldnt be-" Newt is inturrupted by the sound of bullets flying at us. We all duck down behind different cars. I hide with Aris and Frypan.
"Everyone okay!?" I hear Thomas yell. Everyone answers with 'yeah'. After a few seconds I peek around the car and see Jorge pull out what looks like to be a bomb.
"What do you see?" Aris asks me. I shake my head.
"Nothing" I say as I duck back behind the car.
"Okay! On the count of three were all going to make a run for it back to the car! And cover your ears!" Yells Jorge. We all mentally say yes to Jorge as he begins to count down.
"1....2...-" I didnt hear Jorge say 3 but instead I hear a women.
"Drop it" she says. I can heat her cock a gun as I hear a bullet hit the floor.
"Now!" She nearly yell this time.
"I said drop it!" I hear another voice say. I peek over the car as see 2 women pointing guns at Jorge and Thomas. Jorge obeys them and drops whatever he had in his hand.
"On your feet, lets go" She says still pointing the guns at them. They back Jorge and Thomas back to where we are.
"You 3! Come on!" She yells at Fry, Aris and I. We obey and stand. I see Minho and Newt stand along with Brenda and Teresa. Newt instantly walks over to me and stands in front of me, with his hands up. Aris stands beside me still visible to the women. One of them points their guns at Aris and furrows her brows. I peek over Newts torso to see whats happening.
"Aris..." The girl says as she lowers her gun. She takes off her scarf thats covering her face. Shes a very beautiful women, she had darkish skin and brown eyes that seem to sink into her eye sockets. Her hair is in dreadlocks that fall perfectly onto her shoulders.
"Oh my god, Harriet?" Says Aris as he walks closer to her, he slowly lowers his hands. They walk over to eachother and get into a large hug. The other girl also takes off her scarf as well. She is also very beautiful, she has fair skin and blonde hair thats in a messy braid that goes down her back. The more I look at her the more I see a resemblance between her and Newt. Its probably just because their very much similar blonde hair.
"Sonya" says Aris as he lets go of the girl he called Harriet, he walks over to Sonya and wraps her in a hug as well.
"Aris, your lucky we disnt shoot your dumb ass." She says.
I see Newt ans Minho exchange glances at eachother. I step away from Newt and push my way infront of him. He places his hand on my shouldr as if signifying not to go any closer.
"Im sorry, but uh, whats happening?" Minho asks to no one in particular.
"We were in the maze together." Says Aris as he looks at Minho. Harriet walks away from Aris and whistles into the mountains.
"Were clear guys come on out!" She yells. We look into the mountains and see people emerge from the rocks.
"Come." Says Sonya as she pushes her way through us and leads us somewhere. Harriet follows Sonya.
"Back it up!" She yells as we walk through a small tunnel. A truck in front of us than back up. We exit the tunnel and see many people and trucks everywhere.
"Were taking them to base." Says Harriet to other people.
"Wait so, how did you guys get here?" Asks Aris.
"The Right Arm got us out." She says as she leads us to a car.
"Wait you know where the right arm is? Can you take us to them?" Asks Thomas.
Harriet swings the car door open.
"Hop in" she says simply. I look at Newt and smile.
Are we actually safe? This is like a dream.
He returns it as he looks to Minho and grips his shoulder. Minho looks at him and smiles at him.
Their genuinely happy...

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