Finding A Way

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It feels like a eternity since I had moved out of Minho's arms but in reality, it had only been a few minutes before Minho began to shift. I release myself from Minho, finally forcing myself to look at Newts lifeless body. A part of me still had hope that when I look back at him, he would be smiling at me, his eyes shining brighter then ever. But that was never gonna happen.

My tears return as I look down at Newts lifeless body, eyes still open. With shaky hands I reach over and slowly close his eyes before placing my forehead on his chest.

A sob racks my body as I think back on all of the memories we shared together, all of the promises we made that we will never fulfill. It hurts. Bad.

"(Y/n)," Fry starts "we can stay here, we have to go..." he finishes, his voice nearly breaking at the end but held strong. "No..." I mumble.

"It's dangerous for us out here, we need to say our final goodbyes and go."

"I said no!" I yell as I look up at Fry, tears dried on his face. I have never seen him this hurt in my life and it makes my heart break even more, making me feel instantly guilty. "I'm sorry, but no. We can't just leave him here... he deserves better then that and we all know it." I finish as I look around. Everyone has their heads bowed down, the sound of explosions and gunfire louder then ever in this very moment.

"As much as I would like that" Gally starts "we can't stay here, Newt is gone. We just have to accept that. What we can do for Newt- what he would want us to do is go and be safe, find Thomas and go home." Gally says, tears brimming his eyes. From the stories I heard, Gally was crazy but that doesn't mean he never stopped caring about those he was in the maze with. I look back and Newt as I slowly nod my head.

I grab Newts face in my hands as I look at him. Even in death he looks at peace, like he knew this moment would come. I close my eyes as I lean forward and shakingly place my lips on top of his. His lips feel cold against mine causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I open my eyes as I pull away wiping away any stray tears.

I stand up, still looking at Newt before turning around and walking away not looking back, I can't look back. Not when he's like this. I walk past Minho, Gally, Fry and Brenda and begin my way towards the berg.

I get to the berg and completely ignore Jorge and Vince as they try and talk to me, wondering if I'm ok. I look up and see kids around. I walk into the berg and sit down, instantly letting my head lean back against the side of the berg. I reach my hand up to my temple, sliding my finger against it before remembering that I'm bleeding. I had almost completely forgotten about it. I let my hand slide down my face before finally resting in my lap. I jump slightly to the feeling of the berg flying up in the air, not used to the feeling.

I finally allow myself to look up and see Minho, his head in his hands as he breathes deeply. I slowly get up, making sure to keep my balance before walking over to Minho where I crouch down in front of him. He looks up and I offer him a small smile but it quickly disappears as soon as it came.

"You know" Minho starts, "in the scorch the only thing he would talk about was you. All the time. He never said it but I knew that as soon as we made it to the safe place he would have made sure to never leave your side again. He loved you so much (Y/n) and I hope you know that. I truly do."

I look down at the ground and begin to smile again, tears slowly streaming down my face. I feel Minho's hand come up to my cheek and wipe the tears away, causing me to smile even more, but it quickly ends when Minho's hand feel from my face.

"It should have been me." He says causing me to look up at him abruptly, "He has so much more going for him, you would be happier right now. You guys would go and get married and have kids and be happy." Before he could say anymore I cut him off.

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