Miss Me?

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I watch as Teresa fishes the tracker out of the back of Thomas' Neck, I sit down along with Gally and Frypan, holding a napkin to the back of our necks as Teresa has already gotten ours out. I watch as Newt walks over to us, a small smile on his face as he throws our clothes on the table. I don't know how Gally got these but they are WICKED guard outfits, so we can easily blend in. Mine is a solid black one with only a tint of blue here and there. I nod my head at Newt as a thanks as he begins to take off his Jacket, now exposing his whole arm. I frown at the sight, it has gotten so much worse in such a short amount of time. The veins are more prominent as the color has now darkened to a far worse color than bruised. I look at my arm and see that the infection has now spread down my whole arm as well as a little bit towards my neck. I look up to see Frypan looking at me. He smiles at me but it quickly fades. I furrow my brows at him wondering what's wrong.

"Please be careful, as soon as you get the bliss give it to yourself and give it to Newt. I can't lose either of you. We are family." Say Fry, tears brimming his eyes. I smile at the kind words he had just said as I reach my hand out and squeeze his forearm.

"Dont worry about us, you got a dangerous job to. Make sure you make it out safe as well." I say looking at him. He nods his head at me as he places his hand on mine, which is still resting on his forearm. We all look up to see Thomas standing from his chair, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You don't believe me?" I hear Teresa say to Thomas, causing him to turn towards her. "You really expect me to? After the shit you pulled?" Thomas' sudden words causes Gally and I to stand, slowly walking closer to the two. "You made your choice." Thomas says before Gally joins the conversation.

"Everything okay over here?" He asks, looking between Thomas and Teresa.

"Yeah, were done here." Thomas says before walking off towards Brenda, I follow him and stand beside Brenda, picking a weapon.

"You were in love with her weren't you?" Brenda asks Thomas before passing me a gun she had just cleaned. I take it from her and whisper a 'Thank you'. She begins to clean another gun, one I presume is for Thomas.

"I dont know" Thomas answers as he swings his jacket over his shoulders before slipping his arms into it.

"Just be careful, you sorta have this problem where you can't walk away from people, even though you should." She says, sliding a clip into the gun. "You cant save anyone Thomas." She says finally before handing the gun towards Thomas. Thomas takes the gun, still looking at Brenda intensely. Thomas glances as me for a moment before looking back at Brenda.

"I can try."


I walk besides Gally as we mirror the steps of Thomas, Newt and Teresa from the other side of the glass. We turn into the hallway they're walking in s Newt gives us a slight nod of the head, signaling us to walk ahead. Gally and I do so as we walk in front of them. Teresa puts in her thumbprint allowing us to reach the stairs. We all have our guns raised, cautious towards the other WICKED guards who might be here. I close the door behind us as I am the last to walk in.

"Hold up, hold up." I hear Gally say as he takes off his mask. "I can get in here." He says, referring to the control box on the wall. "Pass me the walking" Thomas says, making Gally throw it to him as Thomas walks down the stairs, scooping out the rest of the staircase. I look over to the sound of coughing and see Newt lift his mask over his head as he begins a small coughing fit. I look at him and see how much worse he has gotten. Its like every time I look at him, he looks so much worse. I walk up to him as I pat his back.

"Are you okay?" I ask him as I run my hand up and down his back.

"I'm fine" he says as he pushes my hand off of his back, causing me to take a small step back at his reaction, it's not like him at all. Thomas comes back up the stairs as Galky begins to saw through the control box.

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