Chapter three - "Preferences"

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The weirdest thing is that for the first time in my high school life I woke up early. So I got up, did morning routine, ate a breakfast and prepared myself a lunch for school. My mum will be so surprised hahah, surprised as much as I am.
When I arrived to school, it was still quite early so not so many people were at school. I came to my desk and fell asleep. What a surprise.
Unfortunately the school bell woke me up. I really hate school my god Christmas holidays just ended and I already need summer holidays. (author's note: THAT WILL BE SO ME MATE)
For the first time I'm awake at Maths lesson. What the hell is that? I asked myself every second of this lesson.
My boring and suicidal thoughts (that's Math's fault) stopped cause I heard someone asking teacher to go to the toilet.
Oh, that was Jack, whatever.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you go to the toilet, the lesson is almost over."
The teacher sighed.
"Okay go.."
He quickly stood up and almost ran out of the class.
That was weird.
I don't get why teacher said the lesson is almost over when it's still going and I'm still dying.
I looked at my watches.
15 minutes, seriously. That's her "almost over" yeah. Great, I could sleep now.
I really fell asleep and woke up when Lucy was shaking with me.
"Hey I was sleeping." I mumbled.
"I don't care, I'm bored Brooook."
"Ugh okay, what do you want to talk about?"
"I have no idea."
"Seriously? I could sleep more."
"Well, sorry then." She giggled. I punched her lightly to her shoulder.
"Think about it, I'm going to the toilet now."
"Well when you'll come back, I'll have to go back to my desk." She said annoyed.
"Oh c'mon I'm not gonna poop I'm just gonna pee okay" I started laughing and went to the toilets.
I wanted to leave after a few minutes but I heard sobbing in next cabine.
"Umh, hello?" I shouted.
No one answered.
"Hey, what's up?" I knocked on the door of the cabine.
No answers again.
"Okay then, I'm leaving now." I left the bathroom.
I came back to Lucy and we were talking about her crush, Pete.
"Yeah he is pretty that's true, but why him?" I asked confused and pointed at him, sitting at his desk.
"Oh isn't our little Brooky jealouuuuus?" She said and was playing with my cheeks.
"What are you doing lady?" I said laughing.
She shrugged her shoulders.
I sighed.
"You know my... Preferences, I told you before." I told her with my one raised eyebrow.
"I know, I meant it like you're jealous because of him." She said and at that moment she burst out of laughing. I don't know why, I started laughing too.
When we calmed down, the bell rang to lesson.
Jack at that moment came to the classroom. He had red puffy eyes, probably because he cried. He looked at me for a few seconds and then looked away. I raised my eyebrow with confused look but then let it go.
~After school

"Why didn't you answer me at the toilets?" I asked him.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about.."
"Are you sure?" I smirked a little bit.
"Umh yeah, I was with my friends in the hallway."
"What friends?"
"From football, just leave me alone okay."
"Umh okay sorry then." I answered and went home.

I played with my sister for an hour and then went upstairs to my room. After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in!"
"Brook? I have a question."
"Awh hi angel, what's up?" I lifted her and sat her down on my lap.
"My dad said that you have another preferences than girls. What does that mean?"
I was a bit confused.
"What did dad tell you?"
"That you're not interested in girls, what are you interested in then?"
Aw she's so cute I swear.
"Of course I'm interested in girls but not in that way you are or will be interested in boys."
"I still don't get it."
I started laughing.
"Eli, I'm interested in boys. I like boys, not girls."
"Ohhh so you are..."
"Yeah I'm gay." I chuckled.
"Kids in my class are laughing at one boy that he's gay. I was laughing at him too and I feel horrible now."
"Aw honey you shouldn't do that. Maybe he is gay or maybe he isn't, but even though he would be, he's just a person like you, or me, or anyone of your class, okay? Don't laugh at people."
"I won't again, I promise. I laughed at him only once but when I saw his sad face I stopped. But I wasn't that brave to stand up for him."
"That's alright honey, I'm glad you realized that."
I'm so proud of her. She's really my little angel and Eleanor and my mum will be the only women I'll ever love.
Of course I love Lucy too but she's my friend, not my family or something like that.
I laid Eleanor down to her bed, read a fairy tale for her so she fell asleep and I closed the door carefully.
Then I went downstairs to the kitchen. I saw my mum and dad talking about something.
"Since when you both know I'm gay?" I asked curiously.
They both turned around to see me.
"Since you were little, honey." My mum answered.
"But-" I frowned.
"Me and your mother will be always proud of you, maybe we'll not have grandchildren from you but we can have it from Eleanor if she will not have other preferences like you." Dad said laughing.
"Hahah yeah, but when you were sure about that?"
"Well, once when you had bruises and scretches all over your body, we went to principal's office, remember?"
"Of course I do.."
"Well, there was that boy.. umh.. I don't remember his name but he bullied you. And I remember that he hurt another boy which was in that principal's office too and you were looking at him so.. differently."
"Oh you mean Pete."
"Yeah that boy. Well, and when you were little, you were playing with dolls and trying my dress on. And then I told your dad and we were talking and we were just like 'yeah we're not sure cause you didn't come out to us, but we think that' so.. yeah"
"Oh I see. Well, okay. That's everything I wanted to know. Goodnight."
"Wait there's one more thing."
"What thing?" I turned around to see my parents.
"When I was at that office and dad was at work of course, I recognized one more thing."
"Well tell me then."
My mum wanted to tell me but dad shook his head and whispered no to mum.
"Okay you're right it's late, goodnight honey." She changed her mind.
"But mum, I wanted to know it."
"Son, go to bed, now." said my dad louder.
 I sighed. "Fine."
What was that about?

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