Chapter eleven - "I'm his cousin."

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Jack's POV

What did I just say? I didn't want to say it. I mean, I love him, for a very long time. However, I think he doesn't love me, YET. It's too early I SAID THAT TOO EARLY.
"Jesus, I'm so sorry Brook, it's too early to say that. I didn't mean to and-" I tried to apologize more but he kissed me. Jeez his lips are so soft I can't.
"That's alright Jack, yeah, maybe it is too early, but I appreciate you told me." he smiled and caressed my cheek. I'm melting at his smile everytime. I'm pretty glad he didn't tell me he loves me YET, cause he would lie. I was bullying him for five years and he would say he loves me, okay great thoughts Jack, you're so stupid you really told him you love him. But you were honest at least bro. WHY AM I TALKING TO MYSELF.

"I think it's time to get up and go downstairs." he winked at me and got up. I just nodded my head and got up as well.
When we came to the kitchen, his parents were already up.
"Oh hi babies." my mum giggled.
"Mum.." he rolled his eyes. He felt embarrassed but honestly, her mum reminds me my mum, she was exactly like that and I find it kinda cute how she cares about Brook. It's a pity that our mums never met.
"Good morning Jeff, Ann." I smiled. I saw Brook's face looking at me.
"Did you just call my parents with names?" he said shocked but laughing.
"Sure I did." I laughed. After that my phone started buzzing. When I looked at it, I went to another room to answer the phone.

Brook's POV

When Jack's phone started buzzing, his smile kind of disappeared. He went to the bathroom, probably answer it. I was wondering who was that. Maybe his dad? I don't know.
After a few minutes he came back. I was looking at him and he just smiled. But I could see it was a sad smile, not the happy one. I just smiled back like I didn't realize it.
We started eating and talking. Jack was quiet all the time. Sometimes he fake laughed but that was all. After the breakfast I took his hand and went upstairs with him. We came to my room and I closed the door.
"Who called you?" I said curiously.
"No one interesting, why?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Because when you came back, your smile just disappeared, who was that?" I said a little more strictly.
"That was my cousin. I have to go to his place. Don't worry." He smiled and put his things to his bag and kissed me quickly. He left the room and then the house. I was very confused but I decided to not care about it that much, he will tell me if he will want to tell me.

Next day

I came to school after the first lesson, cause guess what? Yeah I woke up late.
But when I came to the classroom, Jack wasn't there. I mean, he would probably tell me if he wouldn't go to school?
"Hey Lucy! How are you, we haven't talked for a while?" I said and sat next to her.
"Yeah that's true, I'm pretty good actually, how are you? And where's your boy?" She smirked.
"I thought you would know. He wasn't there at all?"
"No, he wasn't. Why?" She asked confused. I don't know why but I had a really weird feeling. I was worried about him. What if something happened to him? I'm gonna text him now.

Brookyy💕: Heyy Jack, why aren't you at school? Text me please, I'm worried about you. x
Sent 9:30am

Well, I guess I just have to wait.
"Anyway what is between you and Pete?" I smirked.
"I'm not sure but I think he likes me cause we're going to the cinema tonight!" she answered and shouted with joy.
"Aww that's so sweet I'm so happy for you!" I smiled and hugged her.
Jack still didn't reply. Why?


I came home from school. And guess what. Jack still didn't reply to me.
Although, my phone started buzzing so I answered it. It was number which I didn't have saved in my mobile phone.
"Hi, is Brooklyn there?" Someone with quite familiar voice told me.
"Umh, yeah, it's me, who's there?"
"Well, I guess you will find out but it's not important now. You have to go to the hospital."
"Hospital, why?" I was confused. Wait, Jack is not there, hopefully?
"Something happened to Jack, I will tell you when you will arrive. It's room 46C and-" I hung up and ran to the bus station. The bus went away when I've just came there so I had to run 5 kilometers to arrive there.

"Please, nurse, could you tell me where is room 46C?"
"I'm sorry but Mr. Duff can have only visits like family."
"I'm his boyfriend and I've just got a call something happened to him. Please.. tell me where he is.." she sighed and smiled.
"Second floor, and turn right, then you'll get there."
I immediately started running. The elevator was too slow so I ran upstairs and opened the door quickly. I could barely breathe but when I saw Jack, it was even worse than that. He had bruises on his face, scratches on his arms and lips, he was connected to some machines I had no idea what are they doing. The only person who was there looked familiar to me.
"Hi, I phone called you. I don't know if you remember me but-"
"Yeah we worked together, didn't we? Last summer, in pizzeria.." I reminded that time. He nodded.
"But what are you doing here?" I asked confused and sat down on the chair.
"I'm his cousin." He assured me. I was surprised he said that, because I didn't know the last summer that I worked with my bully's cousin lol.
"What happened to him? He told me he has to go to your place."
"No he didn't go there, I don't know why he told you that, but he went home and.. his father knew about the lie my dad told him. That he will sleep at us but he slept at you.. So Jack came home and his father beat him up so bad.. Jack called me after the fight and he almost couldn't breathe and talk, he just whispered "help" and then I heard yelling so he hung up and I called the ambulance. When I came there, men of the ambulance let me go inside of the ambulance cause I'm a family member. His father didn't want to go there, so only I went there. One of the men told me that he has concussion. I didn't understand cause I talked to Jack before cause he asked me for help, like I said before, but then I realized he had to hang up cause his father yelled at him so probably he beat him up even more then." He said and looked at Jack. I looked at him too. I was very confused, why didn't he tell me he has to go home? Maybe because he knew what was gonna happen there.
I totally forgot his cousin's name.
"I'm sorry but I forgot your name sir." I giggled a little when I said "sir".
"Hahah, that's alright. My name is Mikey."
"Mikey, Mikey who?"
"Mikey Cobban."

Hah jokes😏
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I love you guys, I'm sorry for so long break😩❤️

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