Chapter fifteen - "Who is there?"

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One month later

I got a call from Mikey that he knows where Jack and his father live. I had to go there even though I knew Jack will have troubles because of me. His father hates me. But I didn't care at that moment.. I needed to see him. Selfish.. right? I know.. But I really wanted to.

I knocked on the door and was waiting for him to open them.
After the while it happened. But it wasn't Jack.. It was some girl I hadn't seen before.

"Hi, who are you?" she asked me and smiled. She had on some training trousers and tank top. Her long brown hair were in ponytail and her green eyes were shining and keeping some secrets. Who was she?

"Umh.. Hi.. I just wanted to ask the same thing.. I'm Jack's-"

"Babeee? Will you go back to bed pleaseee? I wanna cuddleee!" Jack shouted from another room.

I froze. I didn't know he likes girls too? I thought that.. No that's not true.

"In a minute, some boy is here at the door. I don't know who is him.." she said but in kind voice. Not like annoyed or something. She seemed nice actually. But of course I didn't like her because she was his girlfriend.

"Who is there?" shouted Jack and I could hear steps. I turned back and started leaving the house. I didn't want him to see me. I changed my mind. I didn't want to see him.

"Brook.. What are you doing here?" I heard surprised voice behind me. I stopped walking and closed my eyes.

"Nothing I just wanted to ask how are you and I can see you're doing great so bye." I said quickly and ran away.

I didn't run home. I was just running and running without knowing where. I couldn't believe that.

That's maybe the reason why he dumped me..

After a while I decided to run home. O didn't want my mum to be worried or something. My parents still don't know I'm not with Jack.. I should tell them.

I arrived home and Liz jumped on me and started giggling.
"Hi gorgeous." I smiled and put her down.

I came to the kitchen and there were my parents, sitting.
"Mum, dad.. I need to talk to you." I said and my voice cracked.
They both looked at me and were waiting for what I wanted to say.

"A month ago Jack dumped me. We're not together anymore. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I wasn't ready. Today I came to him and there was some girl.. he has a girlfriend and I was very hurt when I saw her. She was so nice and pretty and-" my voice cracked once again and I started to cry.
Mum stood up and hugged me. Dad was looking at us with sad look.

One week later

I got up and my mum left the note in the kitchen if I could go to the shop and buy some things because our fridge was almost empty. I didn't want to left the house but I had to.

I was walking to the shop and someone was walking towards me.
Oh no please cmon..
I saw Jack talking to that girl, she was laughing the whole time. They were so cute together and I hated it. I really did. We walked around each other and they were already behind me, I turned around and looked at them. I saw Jack how he intertwined his fingers with hers. It just hurt so much..

So? Opinions?😏❤️

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