Chapter seven - "We can try it.."

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He pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"Wow.." he whispered that quietly that even I could barely hear it. He blinked fast for a few times and then he looked down. I looked at Rye and Andy who were applauding.
"Wow that was incredible! Okay, you have 100 pounds Brook, cause you kissed him first." Andy winked at me.
I don't know why but Jack stood up and left the room. Me, Rye and Andy looked at each other confused.
"You didn't do it for money, did you?" asked me Andy sadly.
"No, I didn't.. Jack!" I stood up and left the room as well. I thought about if he went home, but then I realized it's his mobile phone we're calling with. Then my instinct said he could be in bathroom. I opened the door and of course he was there.
"You did it for money right?" he looked at me disgusted.
"Oh Jack, you really think that?" I kneeled down to him.
"I don't know Brook. It looked like that." he said annoyed.
"But it wasn't like that Jack I swear." I took his hand but he pulled away, so I decided to kiss him. He didn't kiss me back but it didn't matter.
"What was that for?" he asked annoyed.
"I wanted to prove you that I didn't do it for money, okay? I did it because I wanted to, like now, see? Boys don't see us now." I said and took his hand again.
"But why did you do it at that moment Andy did that bet?" he looked into my eyes sadly.
"I wanted to do it right after the kiss you gave me before, I mean, after my freaking out." I laughed. Jack smiled a little bit.
"Come with me." I said and we went to my room. I could hear boys talking so they didn't hung up. We sat down and they saw us so they stopped talking and looked at us.
"Boys, I don't want the money cause that's not the reason why I did it, I did it because I wanted to." I said. I could see on the camera Jack looking at me and then I felt his hand on mine. I smiled.
"Awwwh Jacklyn is so real! I ship it!" Andy said cheerfully and smiled at us.
"Yeah, maybe? But it's not better than Randy..?!" said Rye protecting their ship.
Andy started laughing. "Of course not, babe." Andy said and kissed him on cheek. We laughed.
"Okay guys, I guess you have something very important to talk about.." Andy smirked. "..So we will hang up and give you a little privacy." Rye finished his sentence and smirked too. Jack rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Okay guys, byeee!" they waved at us.
"Byee!" we waved back and hung up. We were just sitting there next to each other quietly, till I stood up and lied down on bed.
"I need to tell you something.." Jack said so he broke the silence. I got up so I was sitting on bed and looked at him.
"What is that?" I asked. He stood up, sat down next to me and took my hand. I could see it was very hard for him to tell me.
"You don't have to tell me that if you don't want to."
"No, I need to tell you, because I have kept it in my head for a very long time." he said nervously. I just nodded. He was looking down the whole time but then he started after my nod.
"The reason why I bullied you, Brooklyn, was because I didn't want my friends to know about my sexuality. I know it doesn't make sense and it will not make sense even more after the thing I'll tell you now. The another reason is I liked you Brook, a lot. I know I was punching you, kicking you and hurting you, but then, every day when I did something to you, I spent a few good hours at home crying when I was thinking about how much you suffer. And only because I was coward. But I'm not scared anymore, Brooklyn. And I even don't care anymore if boys at school will beat me up, cause I deserve it. I fucking deserve what I did to you-" he stopped talking cause his voice cracked. I hugged him.
"Shhh, it's fine, I forgave you already, remember? It's just the past, you can't change it. Now I'm here with you, you're sitting next to me and I will protect you, I promise."
He pulled away from hug and looked into my eyes.
"I would love to be your boyfriend but I understand if you wouldn't want it because of the past and-"
"We can try it.." I smiled. He probably didn't hear me cause he continued at his useless speech.
"and I'm such a hypocrite and I know I messed up and-"
"Hey, did you hear me?" I laughed.
"What?" he asked me confused.
"We can try it, I'd love to be your boyfriend too." I smiled. He blinked fast to understand my sentence, then he smiled like never before and jumped on me so I laid down on bed. He leaned in and kissed me. I immediately kissed back. He smiled at the kissing and then pulled away to take a breath. He sat on bed and I could only see his back, but then he turned his head to look at me and then he smiled so cheerfully, took my pillow and put it on his face to hide the smile and laid down next to me.
"Aww you're so cute." I giggled.
"You're cuter." he said and caressed my cheek. I started blushing.
"Aww look at you!" he chuckled. Now I covered my face with the pillow and started laughing. Then I could see Jack looking at his watches.
"Oh my god it's so late, I have to go." he said and got up fast. Actually, it really was. It was 9pm. He mumbled something to himself but I couldn't understand what it was.
"Hey, calm down." I said cause I could see him breathing fast.
"I know it's late but calm down, okay? I'll go to your house with you, don't worry, just to the door, then I will go home, do you agree?"
He hesitated a little but then he agreed. We went downstairs. I heard parents talking in the kitchen but I didn't pay so much attention to it.
"Mum, dad, I'm going somewhere but I'll be home soon I promise." I shouted.
"Wait wait wait wait wait." (author's note: Why I reminded Jacklyn scene in re-creating fanfiction video where Brook tried to take off Jack's trousers and Jack shouted "no wait wait wait wait wait!" :DDD NEVERMIND HAHA, IGNORE ME) I heard my mum from the kitchen, then she walked to us.
"It's really late, Brook."
"I know mum but I wanted to take Jack to his home cause it's late." I explained. My mum looked at him, then she sighed.
"Fine, but be home as soon as possible, I wanna talk to you." she said a little bit annoyed.
"Okay, thanks mum." I said and we left the house.
I had no idea where Jack lived so I was trying to focus on way we were going to remember where he lives. He took my hand, I looked at him and he was smiling, not at me, just smiling. I had to smile too.
After like.. 15 minutes later, Jack stopped. I turned around and I could see some smaller cottage.
"Is that your house?" I asked and pointed at it. He nodded. It was small cottage from wood, but it was cute and quite modern and right next to the forest.
"I didn't want you to see this cause your house is massive and beautiful and I live.. here." he said disgusted. I had to giggle.
"Jack it's not bad at all, it's quite cute cottage, but isn't it too small for you and your parents?" I asked curiously.
"Actually it's only me and my dad."
"But what about your mother?"
"Well, she doesn't live with us anymore.." I could see he wasn't comfortable with this so I didn't ask more questions. I just nodded.
"Okay, it's really late so you should go home when you freaked out when you realized what time is it." I giggled.
"Yeah you're right, goodnight then." He smiled at me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. Then he pulled away and wanted to go inside, but I took his hand so he turned back to me. Than I kissed him passionately. He kissed me back like he expected I will turn him back. Evil boy hahah..

I pulled away and at that moment I heard the door opening.
"Oh shit.." Jack whispered and closed his eyes.
"Jack Richard Daniel Duff what the fuck are you doing here?" his dad said angrily.
"Go home, please." he whispered to me. I looked at him confused.
"Jack, come here, NOW!" his dad yelled at him.
"Go home I said! C'mon Brooklyn!" he said a little bit louder but I think that his dad still didn't hear it. Jack pushed me away from him, I almost fell off. I could see his dead going for him, he grabbed his hand very tightly and took Jack inside. I was looking at that door very, very, very confused.
What just happened?

So guys, let me think what's your opinion on this in the comments🙈❤️ Also if you like this chapter, I'd appreciate a lot if you would vote for it plus share it somewhere and let me know if you shared it! I want to reach 100 followers and 1k reads as soon as possible, help me please :(❤️ Love ya❤️

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