Chapter five - "I'm so sorry."

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I don't know why I'm mad at Jack. Oh right, he bullied me for five years. But still, I don't know why he stopped. I guess I will never know why. I decided to forget about my past, especially the bullying part and start finding new friends.
I was still sick so I had to go to school for homeworks. Even though I'll not probably do those homeworks, I need to go there.
I visited my teacher in her office. It was lesson so it was quiet at the whole school, it was great to not hear shouting here as always. It was just a peaceful place.

I wanted to go home, but I heard sobbing again at the toilets.

I decided to go there. When I came in, I still heard someone at of the cabines sobbing quietly, not that loud like before, cause I guess that someone doesn't want to be revealed.

"Hello?" nobody answered, as always.
I knew which cabine it was so I opened that. I knew that a little bit, but still. When I saw him there, I was shocked. He had much more bruises and scratches than before. I sat on the floor next to him.
"Jack, what happened?" I said looking at his eyes which were filled with tears.
"Nothing happened Brooklyn. You can go home." he sobbed.
"Why are you always like that? Tell me."  I stood up cause the floor was too cold.
"C'mon, stand up too." I told him and helped him to stand up.
"So?  What happened?" I still wanted to know it.
"What do you think? Oliver and his group of fucking friends beat me up again."

"They were your friends before too." I have no idea why I said that, it just flew out of my mouth.
"Yeah, that's true, but they are not anymore."
"They are bullying me, Brooklyn, if you still haven't noticed."
"I mean yeah I know, I'm not blind but why they do that?"
"Because of more things.."
"Why? What happened?" I am pretty sure I shouldn't ask him that, cause after that question he sat down, hugged his knees and started crying again.
"Oh no Jack, okay you don't have to answer that."
He was crying for a while, then he stood up and hugged me tightly. I wanted to push him away but I decided to not do it because it would be really rude especially when he's so down.
"I'm so sorry Brook. I really am.." he said and hugged me even more tightly than before.
"What are you sorry for?" I asked confused.
"I know you can't forget about it and I mean.. I'm so sorry I was mean to you for 5 years and you were going home everytime with bruises and scretches and I hurt you even mentally cause I was calling you bad names, I'm so sorry I was and I still am such an idiot and.. and-"

I had to stop him cause he was talking too much.
"Awwh that's alright. I forgive you." I hugged him back gently.
He pulled away after a few seconds.
"No that's not alright. I bullied you, Brooklyn. And now I know what is that like. I'm such a hypocrite." he said punching the wall.
"Hey calm down, okay?.. Do you have your school bag here?"
"Yeah, it's over there, why?"
"Let's take you home."
I took his school bag and I put my arm around his waist cause he couldn't walk good.
"Does it hurt a lot?"
"Yeah, like hell."
We walked down the street.
"So, where do you live Jack?" I asked and looked around.
"Actually, could we please go to your place?"
"Well, I mean we could, but why?"
"I don't know.. because..." he was very nervous when he wanted to say that.
"Because it's nearer than mine." I didn't believe him that much that's the reason but I just nodded and turned around to go to my house.

We arrived and I put him down on the couch and prepared two cups of tea.
"Thank you." he said quietly.
"Could we go to your room please? I don't want to feel uncomfortable again when your sister or your mother will come and see me. Or even worse, your dad."
"I mean we could but you're too weak to go upstairs I think, look at your ankle."
I found a bag of ice in freezer and put it on his ankle.
"Thank you, but please."
I sighed. "Okay, take my hand." I said a bit annoyed and helped him to the stairs.
When we came into my room, I laid him down on my bed and I sat on the chair.
"What now?" I asked bored, but no one answered. I stood up and looked at him.
He fell asleep, really great, what now then.
I left the room, closed the door quietly and went downstairs to the living room. I put his bag to the main door. At that moment my dad came home.
"Hi dad!" I said happily. I really miss him when he's not home and I never know when he comes home, so it's always a surprise for me.
"Hi son! How are you, do you feel better?" he smiled at me.
"Well, it depends how I look at the situation.." I said nervously.
"What do you mean?" he raised his eyebrows confused.
"Well.. dad.." I was so nervous. I didn't want him to know but I had to tell him. I looked up at the door of my room.
"What? Do you have someone there?" he smirked.
"Oh dad c'mon.." I snorted. He frowned.
"Yeah I have someone there BUT not because of that reason you think. He's sleeping there now." I pointed at my door.
"Why is he sleeping there?" he raised his eyebrow.
"It's complicated, dad. I went to school for homeworks but he was at the toilets crying cause his friends, well, they are not his friends anymore, beat him up and he didn't want to go home."
He sighed. "Who is he?"
"His name is Jack, dad."
"Wait, THAT Jack? Who bullied you?"
"How do you know about him?"
"Well he was here a few days ago, your mum told me."
"Of course she did." I mumbled.
"Hey that was rude! Okay he can stay here but I don't want him to get used to it."
"Fine, thanks dad." I hugged him quickly.
"I go back upstairs dad."
"Well, take his bag upstairs as well." he pointed at the bag on the ground. I took it and went to my room.
When I entered, Jack was already awake. I put his bag next to mine. He was sitting on my bed and when he heard me I entered the room, he stood up and went for hug to me.
"What is that for now?"
"I'm so sorry for your brother Thomas."
"What do you mean?" I asked and he handed me a photo where is on the other side Love you my lil bro. -Thomas x
"And then I found this on your table." and he handed me a funeral notice of Thomas Wyatt.
I couldn't help myself but a tear fell down my cheek. I hugged him.
"I'm sorry I didn't want to make you cry." he apologized.
"That's alright," I sobbed. "he was so kind."
"What happened to him?"
"Why would he do that?" he asked shocked.
"Cause they bullied him, Jack. We were always so kind to him and we were saying that he's not fat, he's not ugly, he's worth it, we love him and that's what matters, that we love him. But of course, it wasn't enough. The guys were saying that to him that much that he started to believe it and he thought we're lying-" my voice cracked and I couldn't say more. I fell on my knees and started crying, I couldn't stop it.
"I'll never tell him again I love him, Jack, never." I was crying so much that my dad probably heard that. He entered the room without knocking and he was shocked to see me like that.
"Brooklyn what happened?" he asked me softly.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Wyatt, I didn't mean to make him cry, I found photo of his brother I asked him what happened to him and just, I didn't mean to-"
"That's alright, I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose." I was surprised that my dad was kind to him.
"Brook stop, please." Jack begged me.
"Brook I know it hurts, it hurts me so much too, but we have to keep living. We still have it in our hearts, you know? And I'm sure he's looking at us from heaven." dad smiled at me sadly. I sobbed and hugged him tightly. After a few minutes I calmed down and sobbed for the last time.
"Thank you dad, I love you." I smiled at him.
"Love you too, I'm gonna take Eleanor from school, your mum is in café with her friends, so you'll have some privacy here." he winked at me. Seriously dad.
"Oh c'mon dad!" I said annoyed with laughter.
"Calm down I was just joking." he laughed and left the room.
"If you know I'm gay.. Why were you surprised at word preferences when my sister said that?" I laughed.
"Umh because the word preferences is so weird mate." he laughed too.
"Oh c'mon she's only eight years old!" I punched him lightly to his shoulder but he sighed.
"Oh sorry, bruises?" I asked worried. He started laughing and pushed me against the wall.
"What a liar!" I laughed. I was still leaning my back against the wall, Jack came to me closer. My breath started to be heavier. I was so anxious, I had no idea what is he doing and what should I do, I just stayed calm, didn't move at all. When we were inches from each other, he gently touched my lips with his. Then he quickly pulled away.
"Umh.. Sorry I.. I have to go." he said nervously, took his bag and he didn't care anymore if his ankle hurts or not, he literally ran away from my house.

Sooo, what do you guys think?🤭❤️ Let me know in the comments below! And if you would like to show it to others, I'd be so happy! If you want this story to continue, share it on your Insta story and tag me there🙈❤️ (my Instagram: @roadie_fancz )
Love you so much❤️

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