Chapter six -"No Jack, please"

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What just happened?
I'm still so shocked what happened before he ran away like a little girl.
I have to call Lucy..
"I'm sorry but at the moment I am busy. If you want to say something, leave a message. *peep*"
I guess I'll just get some sleep.
I woke up when my evil little sister jumped on my bed and started shouting.
"Aww sweetheart I was sleeping."
"I know but I need help with homewooork."
I got up annoyed and we went to her room to do the homework.

After that I took my phone and messaged Jack.

Brook: What was that about?
Seen 5:47pm

Brook: C'mon I'm serious what's up?
Seen 5:55pm

Brook: Hey answer me! I see you're reading my messages!
Seen 6:15pm

Okay, I give up.
~A few days later

Unfortunately I felt better and I had to go back to school. When I came to my classroom, the only person who was there was Jack.
"Jack? Hey, where are the others?"
"It's too early, they will come in like 20 minutes maybe."
"Oh okay.." I was glad that no one was there because I wanted to ask him to that thing which happened a few days ago.
"Jack I wanted to ask you-"
"I don't know what happened, Brook. I don't know why I did that it was so weird, I'm sorry. I know it freaked you out." He said nervously.
"Actually yeah, it did freak me out, but it seemed like it freaked you out more." I asked rubbing the back of my neck.
He nodded. "Yeah you're right, I don't know what happened to me." He said confused, staring at me.
"That's alright, just forget about it, okay?"
~After school

"Hey Jack where have you been?"
"Nowhere." He said with tears in his eyes and rolling down the sleeve.
"Show me your arm.." I said immediately. He was looking at me confused.
"Show me your arm I said!" I yelled at him. He showed me his arm where was blood, a lot of blood. I totally freaked out.
"What is that Jack?!"
"Nothing and try to be quiet, you're too loud."
"I don't care Jack what is that?!"
I could see tears falling down his cheeks.
"Please.. don't yell."
"Okay I won't. But tell me, now." I said more quiet but still loud enough.
"Can we go to your house, please?" He was sobbing.
"Why can't we go to your place?!" I asked angrily.
"Please.." he ignored my question and started crying even more.
"Ugh.. fine.. but stop crying."

"So? What is that?" I asked him when we came to my room.
"Scretches." He said.
"Yeah I can see it but how it happened?" I said, rolling up his sleeve.
"Oliver.." he whispered a looked down.
"What did he do?" I asked confused. He rolled down his sleeve.
"Wait, did he..?" I said and pointed at that arm. He just nodded. I was shocked. Jack had black shirt so blood wasn't seen on his sleeve, but we went to the bathroom and I washed it. We came back and sat down on my bed.
"But why would he do that?" I asked him and looked into his eyes.
"I can't tell you." He mumbled.
"Of course you can, c'mon." I put my hand on his shoulder. He put my hand back.
"I can't! Okay?!" He said and stood up.
"What the fuck Jack? Of course you can tell me! Why would he-"
"Because I'm FUCKING GAY, Brooklyn!" He yelled at me. I was looking at him.
"I'm.. I'm fucking gay." He whispered and started crying again.
"Oh c'mon, being gay is not crime." I said and stood up. I went to him and he was looking down so I raised his head, I wanted him to look at me.
"Okay? It's nothing bad." I said slowly and quietly.
We sat down again. But I stood up after a while.
"I know where Oliver lives, I'm gonna kill him I swear." I said angrily and I started searching for my phone.
"What? I don't know the reason why and how do you know where he lives but don't go there!" He panicked.
"Why shouldn't I go there? He deserves my fist in his face." I said even more angrily than before. I wanted to walk away but Jack took my hand, so I turned back to him. He quickly slammed the door behind me and pushed me lightly against them. He leaned in and I exactly knew who he wanted to do.
"No, Jack please-" I tried to stopped him but I couldn't. Yeah, exactly. It happened. That thing you all wanted to happen is here.
He leaned in and kissed me softly. It was.. good. Wait what? My anger disappeared. I felt save, but then I realized What the fuck I'm doing, so I pulled away from him.
"Jack why did you do that?!" I panicked.
"I had to stop you.. somehow." He was confused as much as I was, I saw that in his eyes.
"Oh great so you kissed me. REALLY GREAT!" I panicked even more.
"Calm down or I'll kiss you again!" He said but then he giggled.
"No that's not necessary." I stepped back.
"Oh c'mon I was kidding! Was it really THAT bad?" He said sadly.
"I mean, no, but-" I could see him leaning in again.
"NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I totally freaked out. He burst out laughing.
"I love teasing you HAHAH" He lied on my bed and he was dying of laughter.
"Oh c'mon don't do that ever again." I said annoyed. He was laughing more and more. I looked at him and smiled cause I was happy he's laughing and not crying.
What the fuck? Don't care about him, stop it.
A few minutes later he calmed down. He was just lying on my bed and looking at the ceiling.
"Before I'm dead and gone and I don't think I've got long. I wanna feel your lips and your fingertips drawing hearts on my hips girl I'm in love, and if you don't think that's enough..-"
"I don't know that song." I whispered.
Then I regretted I said that cause he heard me and he stopped singing. God, I love his singing. I wish I would sing that beautifully like he does.
"I would be surprised if you would know it, that's my friend's song. Well, we were friends, but then he had to move to another city. I have no idea where he is now. We haven't texted for years."
"Maybe you could text him now if you want to? I mean, yeah, why not?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah that's not bad idea at all! Although.. What if he doesn't want to talk to me?"
"Why wouldn't he want to talk to you? Oh c'mon, text him." I winked at him, he smiled and took his phone. I was just looking at him how he was waiting on his answer.
"He replied!" he said happily and smiled at me like never before. I just smiled. He was chatting with him and I was just looking at him the whole time. You ask me why? I wish I would know that too hahah.
He was laughing so hard. I chuckled a little bit.
"What's up?" I asked him. He handed me his phone cause he wanted me to read it.

Fovvs: Wow I'm so surprised you texted me! I miss you so much. I'm with Rye, what are you doing now?

Jacky boy: I'm at Brook's place, I don't know if you remember him.

Fovvs: Wait, Brooklyn Wyatt? Of course I DO remember him! You're dating him or why are you at his place? If you're dating, you two must be so cute together!

I read it all and looked at Jack confused. He probably knew what I was gonna ask cause he answered immediately without me asking him.
"Oh c'mon you remember Fovvs I'm sure!" He said that and tried to convince me I know him, but I had no idea.
"Umhhh.. No?"
"Andy! Andy Fowler!" he shouted.
"Wait what? No he didn't look like THAT in elementary school!" I was shocked. What?
"I know right? HAHAH, he has totally changed, he's blonde and much prettier now." he smirked at me.
"He is much much prettier than before." I was staring at his photo (media in the beginning of this chapter hahah) and totally didn't get it. I could see Jack frowning. I looked at him.
"What?" I asked and chuckled.
"Umh.. nothing." he said and blushed. What?
His phone started buzzing. So I handed him the phone. He accepted the call and clicked on speakers so I could hear that too.
"Heyy Fooovvs what's uuup!" Jack shouted.
"Heyyy maaan!" Andy shouted back.
"Turn your camera on and show me yourself and Brooklyn! Is he there?"
"Yeah I'm here what's uuup" I said laughing. Jack turned on the camera. Andy did the same.
"Oh man you both are so pretty!" Andy shouted.
"What have I just heard?!" someone with familiar voice said in the background.
"Sorry babe. Boys I hope you remember Rye." he said and showed Rye on the camera.
"Of course we do, right?" Jack looked at me to assure himself.
"Yeah of course, hey Rye!" I shouted and waved at him. Jack put the phone on the table and leaned it on the wall, so he could still see us.
"Oh my god boys you're so cute together! Are you dating? Cause if you're not, you should." Rye said in very cute voice.
"Hahah no, we aren't" I said laughing.
"Well, maybe you aren't but I bet you wouldn't kiss each other in front of us right now for 100 pounds." Andy said with evil voice.
Jack looked at me but I could see that he realized that I told him to not do it ever again.
"Oh c'mon guys don't do this to us." Jack said laughing.
"I'm serious. I want to see you guys kissing." Andy said. Rye leaned in and kissed Andy.
"Me too actually." Rye agreed.
"You maybe want us to kiss but-" Jack wanted to stop them but I wanted to feel his lips again. It's weird I know but I really did want to... So I placed my hand on his cheek, so he turned his head to see my face and I leaned in and kissed him softly. I could recognize that he was shocked and very surprised but after then he kissed me back. It was even better than before.

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