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Chan's Story

I got home very early and as soon as I got home, I picked my math book and reviewed.

Page 31..
Page 106..
Page 206..

How can I be so addicted to numbers? it took me 206 pages to be contented. I took my paper and as I get it out, the digi book slipped onto the floor. I tried to remember what Mr Jean have said about this book.

I open the pages and looked for digital devices.

What are these? it feels like it's impossible to make! should I make my own phone?

Maybe I shouldn't and just gather information about these. But what are the functions of these? Why didn't I listened to Mr Jean, now i'm curios of what this thing can do.

I asked my mom if she knows any of these things back in the day,

"No, we never had those. What even are those? "

"It's called the cellphone mom, my professor said that it is a hi tch thing that you could use these days."

"It's hideous, I'll advice you not to be interested in those."

I walked away with some disappointment, she won't let me gather information about these. But I'll be independent myself.

I slept my curiosity and when morning came, I was determined to get my things ready. While entering the gate of my school in the corner of my eyes, I saw Reii.

"Oh you're finally here, have you seen Leori? "
"Uhm no, I haven't. I just entered, you're supposed to be with him right?"
"Right. But the problem is, he isn't."
"He'll catch up with us later on."

We split up and got to pur class rooms.

Bell rungs

So this is class 206? Hope i'm at the right class. As I sat down, I heard the voice of our teacher;
"Hello class! I am Rachelle, your teacher for academics and health. Would you like to introduce yourselves in front?"

A random person stood up and volunteered to go first,
"Hello, I am Lee most likely to be called "attractive" Lee"

Alot of us didn't give a damn about his joke but instead, we just rolled our eyes. I was sitting besides the window looking down from the 4th floor. Thinking of that digi book again. I looked at my Teacher and it seems like she's not happy with that "attractive lee" joke.

She rushed towards Lee and dragged him outside. She even threw him from the 4th floor. I was so shocked of what she have done. I took a pen from my bag and stabbed her from the back.

She looked over and said, "It's your turn." I cleared my eyes and found out that I was daydreaming. "It's your turn Ms?" said Tr Rachelle. "Oh, Chan.. Chan Ruth."

I introduced myself without nervous because my mind was focused on my daydream a while ago. Lee stared at me strangely for a while like he knew what I dreamed about.

The discussion went on and we all had our seatworks. "Score Ms Chan?" said Tr Rachelle "60/60" "Lee?"said Tr Rachelle "52/60" said Lee.

He looked at me and I felt like it was meant to say something. I smiled over him and he ignored me.

After class, I went to our sports area and talked with Reii.
"Have you seen Leori yet?" asked Reii.
"No. Not even a shadow of him."
"Well no wonder. What's your next class? If about the Digi subject, let's go together."
"Yeah let's go."

She stopped me from asking who is Lee, we walked to the 3rd floor and I saw Lee from the ground peeking at me and being creepy. I made my walking a little but faster so I can avoid him.

We got to the room and as we opened the door, no one was inside. I was asking myself why? I looked to the hallway and saw Mr Jean with plain white eyes, and red fingertips.

"RUN!" said Reii

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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