"Calm" before the storm

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After we returned Chiron asked what had happened, we explained everything from when the mortals appeared to until we returned. Then he asked them to tell him more about them.

"Well, do you want the truth or the believable story?" Levi asked

"I think I'd prefer the truth." he stated.

Levi looked to the others, and sighed, "Well if you insist, we're from another world, and not like another planet, but another version of reality. One were the Greek gods are nothing more than something people study. for fun, work, or," he smiled. "writing books . A few years ago we were met by our god who granted us immense power, but it came with expectations. We are only allowed to use our powers in other worlds, and if there was someone who needed our protection we would help."

"Um, that's kinda crazy to believe." I said.

"Believe me I know, which is why I prefer not to tell people that, but you asked me to."

"Wait, but if you're really from another world wouldn't your parents worry, or do they know?" Annabeth asked

"No, remember when you and Percy went to the sea of monsters, and time went by faster, same basic principle except time moves only as a crawl in our world. We could spend two years here, and only two minutes would pass, though it's never really consistent. If we went back home for two years only a year could pass here. Time seems more focused in the world were in. It's kinda odd." Levi explained.

"Wait who do you know so much about us, about what we've done." Thalia asked.

"You don't want to know, Thalia you really don't." She looked like she was going to say something else, but Levi insisted "Trust me, I know it must be really hard for you all to believe me, but I'm not your enemy. I will do my best to help you, but you need to trust me." with that we left the Big House,

"Well do you guys want the tour?" Annabeth asked.

"I pretty much know my way around, but they might need it. There's also someone I would like to talk to so I'll see you later." Levi said as he left.

"Yeah, and I need to get back to the Hunt." Thalia added as she waved goodbye.

So we showed them the cabins, the armory, the forge, and the stables for the pegasus. (pegasi, pegasuses?) Anyway, when we made our way back we spotted Levi. He was talking to a young girl next to the campfire. Everyone else barely paid them any attention, but the girl didn't seem to be a camper, though I had a feeling I knew her. Julia tried to sneak up on him, but just as she got close he suddenly turned around. This startled her, and she lost her balance toppling over. Levi and the girl laughed as he gave Julia a hand up.

We walked over, and heard Julia ask, "What were you doing?"

"Well I went to the forge, and worked with the Hephaestus cabin for a while. Then when I came back to wait I saw Lady Hestia, and I talked with her. Finally you failed to scare me." Levi explained.

"Hestia, she's here?" Annabeth asked.

Levi moved out of the way from the young girl, and I suddenly realized where I knew her from she was the young girl that I met with Nico after we met with Luke's mom. She was tending the fire that her and Levi had been sitting around. She seemed disconnected from conversations until Levi moved when she looked up, and smiled at us. She then gestured for us to sit down. So we sat around the fire.

"Why are you here Hestia." I asked

"As I have said before I have always come to camp although I am easily overlooked. If not for Levi you would have passed by and never noticed me. Although I did come here this time for a specific reason."

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