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A love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the star grows old.
- Shakespeare

High school are sometimes romantic but it gives way to a reality which they don't think will happen.


"The protector is here," the tall, stout man said to another man standing opposite him

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"The protector is here," the tall, stout man said to another man standing opposite him. The two men were hidden in the shadows, only vague shapes and their voices gave their position away. The men sounded very serious. The light of the nearest street lamp reflected on two pairs of sharp canines, which resembled an animal's fangs.

"This time we shall not miss the red stone. Even if it costs a life, I don't care." The other vampire said, with anger booming in his voice.

"She won't be able to escape this time, I promise you that. This time the protector is a girl, unlike before, and she had never shown any power, unlike the others before her. It will be easy for us to kill her and get the Red stone from her."

"Let's keep an eye on her, and when we get the chance, we will kill her." The color of the vampire's eyes changed from blue to red. His fangs were so sharp, and his voice was filled with rage.

Zella entered the room, her stuff scattered around. She set her suitcase near the bed, which was an inch away from the window. She scanned her new room, focusing on a tiny balcony that gave her a view of the garden area. A wooden wardrobe laid next to the huge mirror and desk. She approached the wardrobe and opened the doors to reveal two huge shelves separated by small, tiny shelves. She unpacked her suitcase and shifted her dresses to the wardrobe, humming 'despacito' while doing so.

Once all was tidy and put away, Zella stretched her arms and legs and sat on the bed to relax herself, tired by the hard work. She walked towards the window to peek out a little. She noticed a few people walking by, then lifted her gaze and saw a handsome guy from the apartment across the street, staring at her as if he was eyeing a piece of cake.

"Not again, I'm done with this. Why does everyone stare at me? I don't want it to happen here as well. I don't want anyone to fight because of me." She sighed.

She moved away from the window, hiding herself. She waited a while, occupying herself with some more tidying up, then, when she assumed he had left, she returned to the window to survey the place.

Two storey buildings were scattered all around, gardens filled with flowers, the scent of which filled her nostrils in a pleasant way, and beautiful butterflies with colourful wings.

Zella Christi was a young high school girl with flowing golden curls so smooth and silky they looked almost as if they were tailored from golden fabric, she was princess-like. Her ivory skin, green piercing eyes, and pink rosy lips gave her a delicate appearance. Something radiated from within her that rendered her irresistible to both men and women. Men desired her and women envied her with jealousy.

Her Soul And His Blood / EditingWhere stories live. Discover now