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Peace begins with your smile.
-Mother Teresa



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They hurriedly ran through the road. They both shared a smile when they got back home.

Zella went to her room and kept her bag  beside her drawer, stretched her arms and then sat on her bed. A chill passed down her spine when she thought of that dark forest. 'I hate this town and that forest' she mumbled.

She went to the washroom, and splashed some cold water on her face. Then she took a hot bath and changed her clothes. She put on loose blue pants and a black T-shirt with the words 'Make me smile' written on it . She was going through the chapters they had learned in class earlier and when she got to the chapter of Romeo and Juliet, she recalled Lance's body structure and his face. She sighed, dreaming about him.

She took out her phone and starred at it for a moment then texted Eli;

Zella- Hi, I need your help.

Eli- Yupppp, what do you want my dear? Do you want me to give me the details about your new crush?

Zella- OMG, how did you know I have a crush?

Eli- That's why I'm your best friend.

Zella rolled her eyes and typed-
You know Percy must have told you.

Eli- Yesss

Zella- There is nothing like that Eli. He's just an asshole who cook up things. Let me tell you why I messaged you, I need a hand for my assignment.

Eli- Yeah sure, come over today. Let us finish it.

Zella- Not today, during the weekend.

Eli- Ok then, bye take care.

Zella- Yeah, bye.

Zella plugged her phone charger and went out to the garden for some fresh air. The cool breeze brushed  over her cheeks, it soothed her and calmed her. She sat there closing her eyes, the aroma mixed with the scent of different flowers and the wet plants.

"Zella.. baby come inside" Mrs Christi called Zella

Zella went inside. Meanwhile someone was still spying on her from the bushes and was watching her go inside.

They all sat at a round table having their dinner and talking about how their day went.

"How was your day, kids?" Mr Christi asked.

"Awesome as always." Zad answered.

"My day was good. I met a strange guy today. He is a nerd but he acts a little weird" Zella said
"Ohh, my child is into someone " Mrs christi grinned while serving food to everyone.

Her Soul And His Blood / EditingWhere stories live. Discover now