Chapter 12

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Your lips are like wine,and i wanted to get drunk.
                                   - William Shakespeare


She went near the balcony consciously.

" Hey sister, how are you doing?" The voice

He is standing in dark, those crimson eyes were visible in the darkness. He was laughing showing his sharp canines. Merlin approached him ,

" Hance, what are you doing here ?"

" well I came to know that you have a new guest today, it is a manners to introduce all the family members to the new one. " he laughed viciously.

" Dont even think of it. You are not allowed to enter this house. Dont forget that." Merlin said angrily pointing her index finger towards him.

" well sister, I dont want anybodies permission because this is my home too."

" but you are not this family member anymore"

" how can you say that, I am your brother, dont you remember that. We lived happily for years more to say hundreds of years and now you say I'm not your brother." He says sarcastically and  took few steps forward. Merlin pushed him back.

" I warn you, not to come again. If father sees you, he wont forgives you again. Get out of here now." Merlin warned him.

He came forward. He put his fangs out. He is up-to attack her. She stepped backwards and little frightened.


" why do I have a feelings that there is something wrong" Lance sat on a sofa. His face looked tensed. His fingers were moving restless. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Some thing is wrong. Let me check over Zella"
Lance climbed upstairs aiming Merlin's room.

Upstairs in Merlin's room.

Suddenly they hears the opening of door, the door opened. Hance's black eyes were glowing like a blood moon with anger. He stared at her gave her a warning look. He turned behind and then jumped down from the balcony and vanished into darkness.

Merlin came inside the room rushingly.

" who was that Merlin?" Lance asks angrily.

" Nobody" she replies

" Dont lie to me, tell me who was that?" Lance shouted, his eyes changed into blue tides of ocean due to anger.

" It's Hance" Merlin said in a low voice putting her head down.

" you are still talking to him. Dont you know that what kind of a person he is. You still think that he is your brother." he shouts

Lance walks to the balcony and tries to go behind Hance. Merlin stops Lance by pulling his arm and she continues
" you need to know something more important than chasing him."


" come downstairs, I will tell you everything clearly." Then Merlin stared towards the balcony and took Lance downstairs.

Her Soul And His Blood / EditingWhere stories live. Discover now