Chapter 20

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"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."

–Desmond Tutu

The fight

The image blurred she saw someone approaching her giving a vicious laugh echoing all around her, then everything was dark to Zella.

Zella opened her eyes and she saw someone sitting beneath her. She looked around for Zad but couldn't find him anywhere. she felt as if whole world was about to crumble. She dropped down on her knees and screamed with all her might. She sobbed and tears flooded like the waters rushing down from a waterfall and the only time she'd stop was to fill her lungs with fresh air.

She held her necklace and asked to reveal the vampire phase but her powers are drained out. Its not working and she is not able to see their real face.

" who are you? Are you Lance or Hance ?"

" don't worry Zella I'm Lance. Are you alright ?"

"Yes I am. Where is my brother? I saw him bleeding. Is he alright?"

He turned his face away.
"Look at me Lance. Please dont tell me that he is hurt. Did you save him ?"

"I'm sorry Zella. I had only one choice , either you or Zad. I couldn't think anything more. I saved you. I'm sorry."

Zella bursted out with tears. " So you left my brother to die. You left him with that devil."

She cried and cried. Lance tried to comfort her. But how can he, when it is her brothers life in danger.

" Zella listen, you are tired now. You need to take some rest. You are going to kill yourself by crying?"

" I don't care whether im tired or not. I wanted to save my brother. Where did they took him ? Who was that guy who slapped me? Why didn't you save him Lance?"

She got up from her place. Wiped out the tears and stared at Lance which has a lot of meaning in it.

" im going..." Zella said this with anger.


" to save my brother."

" no, I wont allow you to go. Give me that Red stone, I will bring your brother by killing my brother."

Zella stepped two steps backward. She hold her necklace tight and closed her eyes. Some kind of shield is produced around her. Her eyes were sparkling.

" No Hance. Don't even think of taking red stone from me."

" Hance... what is wrong with you Zella?"

" Don't play with me Hance. My Lance will never ever kill his blood. And he won't even say such things." she raised her hand and a kind of power strikes him. He is thrown away to the wall.

His face  frowned  with pain. He struggle to stand on his leg. His face turned red and do his eyes too. It became fury red. He stood up and with a vicious smile he stepped forward.

" oh clever Zella...". His eyes glowed Crimson red with fire of anger on it. He ran towards Zella, she waved her hand and he is thrown away towards the door. He got up from his place and gave her a vicious look. Zella watched her hand with surprise. She couldn't believe that she can do such things. She watched him and her hand spontaneously.

Her Soul And His Blood / EditingWhere stories live. Discover now