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Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
-Mahatma Gandhi

-Mahatma Gandhi

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His gaze was fixed on hers, he held her hand tight and brought her up in a straight posture. He looked at her eyes and it felt longer than it actually was.

"Your eyes are beautiful."

Percy Gillest, he had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features moulded from granite. He had dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression. His build was like a strong man who always exercises. A smile started to travel through his lips.

"I-am sorry, I didn't mean to... I am so sorry" Zella apologized in a very low tone.

He smiled back at her and said softly. 

"I haven't seen you before here, so you must be the new girl."

He started grinning. He put his hand forth and shook her hand introducing himself.

"I am Percy Gillest, I am your classmate. You can approach me if you need any help, I will always be at your desk."

"That's so nice of you." She said with a broad smile.

" Excuse me professor"

"Yes, late for the first day, new lady, come quickly and take your seat, since this is your first day you are excused. Children, this is your new classmate, Zella Christi, make her comfortable. And no bullying."

Zella bowed her head down with a guilty feeling of being late on the first day. Eli and Percy sat nearby Zella. Zella felt so comfortable with them. They started to get to know each other.

"So you just moved few days before" said Percy

"Yea.. Just a few days back."

"So where are you staying" Eli interrupted.


"Silence... I shouldn't be hearing any noises. This is not some talking class. This is history class. Concentrate or you people will be ending up in detention. I hope you people can understand at least this."

The class fell into a pin drop silence. Professor William teaches history. He is a stout man with a dark mustache. He is very strict about discipline and school rules. He loves nerds and those who are attentive and active in classes. He used to help them and encourage them. Every single person in the class was afraid of him and never back talked to him.

He always used to give a lot of assignments and it should be submitted on time. He also loves giving punishment to the extreme level. But on the inside he was a kind man who helped anyone and who loved kids so much.

Professor continued talking about class. He started asking questions, "so, who will answer my question?"

Everyone kept silent. Suddenly a hand raised. "Sir"

Everyone turned their focus to him. Zella looked beside from where she heard the voice. It was filled with confidence and boldness. She didn't even blink her eyes and giving him a fanciful look she whispered to herself "he is so charming". She couldn't resist looking at him until the silence was broken by "yes, Lance Peterson, I was waiting for your response". He answered the question brilliantly.

"Brilliant. You always conquered the class with your answers" professor said so proudly.

"Who is that nerd?" Zella asked surprisingly.

"That's Lance Peterson, topper and nerd. He is the son of our headmaster and this school belongs to them" Percy whispered and added "He is rude, he won't speak to anyone. Everyone is scared of him but don't know why. Even me" he chuckles.

"Ok students, now the class is dismissed and you, Zella, you have a lot of assignments since you are new here you have to compensate with last year's assignment too.. better make more friends. Come and meet me later. I will tell you what your assignment is."

Professor left the class, everyone greeted him. Many came to meet Zella and introduced themselves to her, except the nerd. She was expecting him to talk to her. He didn't even care to give a glance.

Percy leaned towards Zella and they both went into a long conversation. Zella saw from the corner of her eyes from the side of her shoulder, a sharp look which was so deep and intense, it could pierce her, maybe it has jealousy mixed in it.

'Is the nerd looking at me, I feel like he is jealous, but of what?' She continued talking with Percy and Eli. 


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Hope you are enjoying reading this. Chapter was short.
Lets make next chapter lengthy.

Have a good day❤️

Lets be friends guys.....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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