Chapter 17

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You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
                                         - Dr. Seuss



" I am feeling different. I can feel my power."

" our bond is making you stronger. It is even making me stronger."

Lance took her close. He wanted to tell her everything.

" my father was being killed and Mr.Peterson  adopted us. We were just few months old. They killed our mother too."

" who?"

His eyes were raging with fire and it turned blue like an ocean. His fangs were out. He tried to control himself.

" Zella, you have to go now."

" its ok Lance. You can tell me whatever you want."

" I met Hance. He told me everything. He was a nice person and he was my bestfriend. But he changed into an evil. He says he became like this because of the reason behind our parents death. He asked me to join him."

" what did you decide?"

" I wont, I can't be an evil like him or my father. I can't kill innocent humans."

His hands were cold. Zella hold it tight and squeezed his hand.

" you won't change. I trust you. Will you come to class from tomorrow?"

" hmm" he nodded.

Zella wished Merlin and went back to her home.

Days and months passed. Zella and Lance were two couples whom others wanted to follow. Eli and Percy were always there for Zella. It became a situation were Zella cant live without Lance even though he is a vampire, Zella too is not an ordinary women. There was no threat shown up till now. Zella thought everything was over, but she didn't know that something big is coming.

Here comes the special day when she turns into 18. It is Zella's birthday today. First time she is celebrating her birthday with her boyfriend. There's not a more important birthday than an 18th one.

Early morning she opened her eyes to see Lance sitting beside her. He is smiling at her. She blinked her eyes twice to clarify her doubt and its him.

"Happy Birthday." he wished her. She hugged him tight and gave a peck on his lips.

"Thank you so much" her eyes shed with tears of happiness.
He opened a small ring case and gifted her a ring. She was so happy to see it and hugged him tight again. And her lips met his and was deeply making love with his lip.

" well,see you tonight." and Lance went off through the balcony.

Zella planned of throwing out a party tonight. She is excited to open her very first gift 'the dairy' and to read it and to know what is inside the diary. She miss her grandmother a lot. She went downstairs and saw Mr.Christi waiting for her downstairs.

"Happy birthday sunshine"

" thank you Dad." he gave a kiss on her cheek. And he left to his work.

"Happy birthday sweetheart"

" thank you Mom, can we call grandma today"

" no, she is busy" Mrs.Christi ignored her. Zella went upstairs feeling sad for it.

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