Chapter 14

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"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
                                              – Walter Winchell

                         Lance's revelation

Lance looked out to see Zella shivering and crying. The blood is flowing through his lips. His fangs is out. He looked terrific. His eyes were glowing like a blue ocean. He left the man and that man collapsed into the ground with a pale face.

"So you are the one who tried to kill me that night. You are the one who drained out many innocent people. Its you ." She cried out loud.

He stared at Zella for a moment. Put his fangs in, wiped off the blood and approached Zella in a guilty face.

" No...Zella... im sorry... i didn't know this will happen.It was..."

He brought his arm closer to her but she pushed him away and went two steps backward. With a shivering voice Zella said

" You are a VAMPIRE... and its real. You killed that man. You sucked his blood. You..." her voice were breaking because she is crying. She continued " that was not a nightmare, you tried to kill me. You tried to suck my blood. I was in love with a vampire. I was with a vampire.I was wrong all these days."

She held her head with her arms. Suddenly she fallen back to the ground when walking backward. Lance ran to her but she crawled backward.

" don't come near me."she yelled.

" Zella, let me explain" he pleaded.

Zella got up from the ground and ran back to her home. Lance followed her by calling her name out. She didn't listen to him. She ran away with her full speed. Lance is still behind her.

She entered her house. Her mother saw her crying and shivering
" Are you alright dear? " Mrs. christi asked with concern.
" please leave me alone for sometime mom, please" she rushes to her room and closed the door.

Emotions swirled with the ice water circling the cold metal drain as streaks of fire burned her cheeks. Each new wave a hot trail of agony as slim, bare shoulders shook in each rake of emotion through her frame. Fire of shame and anger burned just under her skin and a deep emptiness filled her heart as the sentiments brewed over and boiled past the seams she could no longer hold together.Breathing hitched as her knees grew weak and she slumped to the cold tiles on the floor. There was no hope for a woman who cried to her death in the showers, drowning self in her own tears of hell.She looks frightened. Lots of thoughts were going across her mind.

She sees him standing in her balcony.

" Lance go away" she shouts.

He walks inside. His eyes were glowing red like a forest fire. His smile were vicious.


He approaches Zella. Suddenly some one from behind hold his back and throws him away. Zella's eyes widens with shock.

That person who thrown him is looking like Lance. "What is this new twist now." she mumbled with fear.

He went behind the former. After few hours Lance came back.
Zella stood from her place and walked near the door with caution. She held the door handle to escape at any minute.

" Zella its me, don't worry." Said Lance.

" how can I believe you." Asked Zella.

Lance shown her the gift given by her.
She is still in a dilemma. She asked him.

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