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My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.
- Shakespeare

Those eyes watch her as the early sun rays strike Zella’s body

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Those eyes watch her as the early sun rays strike Zella’s body.
Suddenly a hand pulled her bed sheet away. She shoots upward, frightened. Zella is sweating and gasping for breath. She blinked her eyes
and screamed... "What is wrong with you Zad"

"Wake up, or we will be late for the first day itself. I told dad that I can't wait for you" Zad then rushed out of her room. She twitched her lips.

Zella got up from her bed. She brushed her teeth and brushed her hair. She put on a cozy dress and brought herself in front of the mirror
Her blue jeans and top made her shine. Zella covered herself with a scarf. Her blonde hair was left open. She always loved to keep it loose.

Like usual, Zella held her necklace in her  hand and started to move her hand through it. For the first time she felt something unusual when she touched it.
She felt some kind of changes in herself. She noticed her necklace glowing, and she felt a burning sensation in her birthmark. She felt herself lightweight like a feather.

"Ouch, it's hurting. It started again." She took a pinch of balm and rubbed her hand through the birthmark.

Zella took a few books and grabbed her bag. She put her cellphone and earpods in it. Zella walked downstairs. Her mom was preparing sandwiches. She grabbed one.

"Yumm... mom, I love you."

Mrs. Christi smiled widely. "Love you too baby"

Her brother was shouting from outside.
"Oh Zella.. we will be late"

She kissed her mom and waved her goodbye. They both entered the car and her dad started driving.

" Dad, so are you dropping us every day?"
" No honey, only for today. School is nearby, you can walk and go."
Zad and Zella rolled their eyes and said quietly
" Typical, dad".

The beauty of town caught her eyes, while looking through the car windows. The short beautiful buildings, lanes around, a small garden, and beautiful people. They all were in a hurry to go somewhere. A young lady carried a bucket and roses in it. She might be selling those roses.

While looking through  the window she saw a horrific dark forest that looks like it's been haunted for years.

The wind howled and blew a bitter chill past the dying trees; it danced with the leaves and dragged them away unwillingly from the autumn ground. The floor was damp and stagnant with the odour of decomposing wood, diamonds pierced the black sheet held up above and looked down with vengeance. The forest seemed to never end; tall silhouettes shadowing the ground, ravens circling overhead, and screams echoing through the wind. Beady eyes hidden within the bramble scanned the area, oblivious that they were prey to this Forest. A paranormal presence lurked in the essence of the devil's grasp, shadowing each living organism with dire precision.

She had a chill, go down her spine. It was so horrific. Her eyes widened and her brows furrowed. She looked pale.

Thosedark eyes were hidden in the forest watching her again. Zella saw a shadow watching her, and it ran into the forest. She shouted
"Zad look there"
" Oh zella it's just a forest, now please don't create stories."
“It's useless to tell him” she mumbled to herself.

Finally they reached their destination.
Mr. Christi stopped his car in front of the lawn.
The school seemed gigantic like a university. It is vast and beautiful. The dome shaped pillars and the bricks made it more alluring.
There is a garden and flowers bloomed on it. There is a charming statue of a dolphin near a pond and students were talking beside it. The centre of the school looks like a palace entrance.
The high school seemed huge and the students seemed so elegant, stunning and charming.

Students were walking to the entrance and many were wearing denim tops, jeans, and a few were wearing classic summer dresses. Everyone had a few giant books in their hands. Some were slanting to the pillars with headphones on their head without even caring about the world surrounding them.

They get out of the car "Listen kids.. Do well and make us proud."
They both said in sync "Yes dad."
Zella stared at the entrance but Zad ran away to nowhere.
"Zad, wait" she shouted, "Pathetic i'm alone."

She walked into the center passing the dolphin statue. Everyone is staring at her. Their jaws open wide. Few boys tripped over the other while watching her. Some followed her, but she walked away quickly. Her dress was simple but still her beauty attracted everyone. Girls who were standing in groups gave a darted look having a smirk on their face and waving off their hairs.

She stood in front of the front hallway without knowing where to go.
"Hi buddy I'm Eli.. Eli Richardson... new here right?"
"Hi I am Zella Christi, yea, I just shifted to slantveer a few days back. Nice to meet you."

Eli smiled with her blushed cheek. Her friend zone was small in santer academy.The girl stood with a hip jutted to one side, her right arm draped across her slender body, clasping the elbow opposite. Her head lolled down to one shoulder casting her bobbed hair onto the faded Prince t-shirt that was two sizes too big. It hung so low that her shorts only just peeked below the dirty hem, a fringe of denim cut-offs.Her eyes were gray. She was chubby and wearing specks which made her look odd. She is a bit talkative which makes others think she is annoying.

Eli shook her hand with Zella.
"Come with me, first I will take you to the locker room, where many stories begin but you know I don't have any story yet. I'm enjoying my own company and you know.."
"Ooh thank you Eli that's so nice of you."

"You are welcome, I know I'm a bit talkative but that won't bother you. And I'm a good listener too, you know my mom...."
They heard the bell ringing. Eli ran to the classroom giving a pause to her talks. Zella had no choice but to follow her. She never noticed someone coming on her way, they both collided with each other. He caught her before she collapsed to the floor.


Thank you for your effort to edit my storyBrie_ToThe_Right

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Thank you for your effort to edit my story


Whom do you think she collided into ?
How is Eli ?
How is the school ?
Is the dark-forest creepy?

So guys tell me what do you feel.
Love you all and have a great day.
Vote if you like the story.
Lets find out whether she found her love in next chapter.
Pls mention ur comments

Her Soul And His Blood / EditingWhere stories live. Discover now