Heaven Help The Fool That Falls In Love

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Listen to the song Ophelia by The Lumineers because it's super good and it's what inspired this chapter. 

Honestly, all my chapters are inspired by angsty indie songs les go!

Thank you for 100 followers!

While they're both right out of college and sharing their first apartment, just a lot of fluff, like 24 years old 

This is gonna be super short and super bad...


Ever since she came back, Mike Wheeler had a permanent pep in his step and smile on his lips.

Every day that she was in his life, she helped make him an even better man than he was the day before. 

Mike had graduated with a degree in biochemistry and Eleven with a degree in child psychology one month prior and had moved in with each other two weeks ago. 

On this particular morning, Mike had awoken earlier than usual, 7 in the morning, to be exact. He quietly slipped out from under the white cotton comforter which he shared with his beautiful girlfriend who was still sleeping peacefully lying on her back and headed towards the white kitchen which Eleven had adorned with dozens upon dozens of plants and greenery of all shapes and sizes. 

He filled up his girlfriends light green tea kettle with hot water and placed it on the gas stove before heating up the burner. The pale light shone through the thin lacy white drapes that hung over the window above the sink. 

Mike stumbled around the palely lit kitchen, admiring the traces of Eleven that she left, gracing the earth with evidence of her everywhere she went. Never any straw wrappers left on the tables of restaurants because the plastic hurts the sea turtles in the oceans. Burlap bags instead of plastic grocery ones, so they don't get stuck in trees if they were to end up outside. Dried wildflowers flowers in vases, because they were too pretty to leave in a field, but the wilting petals were too sad to throw away. Teacups with one last sip of tea gone cold in the bottom of the fragile porcelain cup. Fallen dandelion seeds blowing through the wind, a representation of hundreds of wishes blown into the wind, not at the mercy of the world.

He was called back to reality by the soft whistle of the kettle to the right of him. He grabbed 2 cups from the wooden cabinet, a white one with a little golden finch on it, and an iridescent one, adorned with roses with little chips in the side. 

He poured the hot water in the cups and seeped the peach tea leaves in both of the cups. His fingers found their way to his head and pushed back his loose black curls before they fell back down to frame his face. He carried the two cups to their bedroom where Eleven was just beginning to stir.

"Morning Angel," he smiled and handed her the small cup as she pushed her self up and leaned against the headboard. 

"Morning," she stretched out and brought the tea close to her, inhaling the sweet scent before taking a sip. 

"Any plans for today?" Mike asked her as he admired the way the pale light shone on her face, illuminating her features so beautifully. 

"Nope, if you don't have anything to do I was planning on maybe having a movie day with you?" she asked him and took another drink. 

"I would like nothing less," he smiled and scooted closer to her and she laid her head on his shoulder and breathed in his intoxicating scent. 

Mike felt the way that Elevens curls tickled his exposed chest and neck. He fell in love will everything about her. All her quirks, all her habits, and all of her insecurities. He grabbed her left wrist and ran his fingers over the slowly fading 011 tattoo that had scared her ever since she was a child. He brought his left wrist and held it next to hers so he could admire the matching one on his wrist that he had gotten the second he had turned eighteen.

"I love you so much Micheal Wheeler," she smiled and leaned further into his bare chest,

"I love you too, Eleven Wheeler," he smiled and she tiny girl responded with a playful push to his stomach. He smiled and grabbed her hand care ran his finger over her left ring finger, "Fine, not Eleven Wheeler, at least not yet,"  he grinned as she playfully pushed on him again.

The two adults made their way out of bed and into the living room around 10. Mike twirled Eleven on his finger as they walked down the hallway towards the kitchen hand in hand. 

"Too bad you couldn't dance like this back in '84" she giggled as Mike placed a hand on her waist.  

"What are you talking about I've always been an amazing dancer," he giggled before spinning Eleven out and letting go of her hand to send her into the kitchen. 

"I'll make some snacks, you grab some blankets and we can make a fort!" she exclaimed before opening the cupboard doors. 

"Eleven we're like 24," he laughed at his girlfriend's childlike whims. 

"So, you kept up that fort in your basement for our entire relationship, hell, it's still up now!" she giggled, thinking about how when they were moving in together she remembered Mike specifically telling his mother to leave up the fort, much to her dismay.

"Ah very wise Ms. Hopper," he smiled and began rearranging the pillow cushions on the floor and spreading a white bed sheet over some kitchen chairs. Eleven brought over a bowl of popcorn and another with assorted chocolate candy and climbed under the blanket next to her boyfriend. 

Mike pressed play on the remote and the into of The Breakfast Club began to play. 

"Heaven help the fool that fell in love with you, Eleven Hopper," Mike smiled as the girl rested her head on his shoulder once again, loving the way her curls tickled he neck.

"Well, I sure hope it was worth it," she replied quietly while grabbing his hand and running her fingers over his palm.

"It always will be,"



July 4th is so fricking far away but like... its cool its whatever... I'm not having a mental breakdown about it being SIX MONTHS AWAY!!!!

Anyway... Happy New Year to you guys and I hope the next 6 months come fast!

Stay Strange, xoxo J

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