Peach Orchard

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//AN// hey guys this one-shot is gonna be a little less spicy and a little deeper than my latest ones just a heads up!

Takes place after about 260ish days after El diapered. About mid-August

Just pretend they can drive or Max stole a car or something... Its really late and I'm too tired to come up with a legit storyline to follow here.


General POV

"Hey Mike, you ready to go?" Will asked and handed Mike a jacket. As summer came to a close in Indiana the cold slowly became creeping in and a light chill had settled in Hawkins. The party decided today would be a good day to head to a peach orchard about two hours down south of Hawkins before school started up again in a few weeks.

"Uh, yeah I'm ready," he said pulling the navy blue jacket on. He remembered that this was El's favorite jacket of his because when she first took it she said it smelled like him. He slowly inhaled and he smelled the faint scent of Georgia Peach, El's signature perfume.

He was already reluctant to go on this trip because it was nearing almost 1 year going without El, and the peaches reminded him of her.


"Whats this?" El asked, holding up a fuzzy fruit.

"Oh, that's a peach!" Mike said, "there really sweet, and it's my favourite fruit,"

"And its fuzzy!" she said rubbing the soft skin with the palm of her hand.

"You want to try a piece?" Mike asked taking a peering knife and cutting out a slice.

El took the slice and slowly took a bite, "wow, really good!" she said and smiled and took another bite.


Mike pulled on his white converse and headed out the door to Lucas' truck.

"Who's ready to pick some peaches!" Max yelled from the front seat to Dustin, Will and I all crammed in the back.

"Me!" Dustin shouted, "I can't wait to make stuff like peach jam, peach pie, and peach ice cream with Steve!"

"Wait... Steve said he knows how to make a peach pie..." Lucas said with a laugh,

"Yeah... he said he got his recipe from a lady that was in his mom's book club," he said with a laugh.

--Mikes flashback--

"I promise after all this is over, I can take you to the farmers market to buy some of the best peaches ever!" Mike said when he was hanging out with El in her fort, "I can get some recipes, and we can make tons of different peach desserts, like uh, peach cobbler, and peach pies!"

"That sounds amazing Mike!" El exclaimed and took another bite of her Eggos topped with peach jam.


"Hello!?" Will said shaking Mikes' shoulder. "Earth to Mike!" he said as Mike snapped out of his trance.

"What?" he said shaking his head.

"I said we are here!" Will exclaimed climbing out the other side of the pickup.

"Oh, yeah sorry," he said and climbed out of the car.

The party picked up baskets and headed into the sea of peach trees.

"Hey! These look good!" Lucas said and picked a peach off of a low hanging branch, "oooh Max smell these!" he said offering one to Max.

"Wow that must be really sweet!" she said inhaling the sweet scent.

"Not as sweet as you," Lucas said and kissed her on the forehead

--Mikes flashback--

"What are these?" El asked Mike as she picked up a small bottle with a colorful liquid inside.

"Oh, that's perfume!"  Mike said as El examined Nancy's perfume collection, "Do you want to find one to wear?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed excitedly, " is there one that smells like peaches?" she asked examining all the bottles.

"Um, let me look!" he said searching through the bottles until he saw a tall orange one, labeled Georgia Peach, "here you go!" he said handing the bottle to El.

She removed the lid and sprayed a pump onto her wrist. "It smells... pretty!" she said and giggled


Mike reached up to grab a peach from a branch. He pulled down in one swift motion and the soft fruit pulled away from the branch. He ran his fingers over and admired the way peaches were firm and soft at the same time. Just like El, at first you see a dangerous girl, who could kill you with a cock of her head but on the inside, she was sweet and sensitive.

A tear escaped his eye and ran down his cheek. It dripped off his defined jawbone and landed on the dry ground.

After a few more hours the party made their way back up to the car.

"So guys, how did we do today!" Max asked.

"Amazing!" Dustin shouted holding up three baskets overflowing with the soft fruit.


"Hey El, it's day 263. Today was hard, I really miss you I guess. We went to a peach orchard today, and it really reminded me of you. When you come back, I promise to take you, and we can buy peaches to last us a lifetime, and in the future, we can plant a peach tree right outside our house so we can have fresh peaches every day," he said with a quiet sob, "I really miss you, and I guess I will talk to you tomorrow."

//AN// hey guys I hope you liked this one shot. Its a little like my first ones! Anyway, I will update soon! I hope you enjoyed and as always leave suggestions in the comments!

Stay Strange xoxo J

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