Chapter Three

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Chapter Three . . .|
-of course, mr. jeon.

With a subtle hand, Jeongguk tapped his fist onto the door, loving the filled sound of the door, no hollow remarks whatsoever. He clicked his tongue, glancing back at his shorter yet older friend.

The door was pulled open, revealing a taller man with black hair, plump lips, glasses holding onto his face. "I presume you are Jeon Jeongguk? Who is your friend beside you?" He asked.

Jeongguk would scream if he needed to be greeted with another face besides Taehyung's and his father's. He forced a smile. "Park Jimin, he accompanies me." He said softly.

It clicked who the person in front of him was. It was Taehyung's older brother who didn't want to become the CEO of Kim Empires.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin! Ah! It's been so long, old friend," Jeongguk totally had forgotten the mention of a step brother. He also recalled how it was the same Seokjin that his other friend had dated previously.

"It must be since I don't know who you are. You're here for my father and younger brother?" Seokjin hummed displeased.

"I would've asked for you too if I knew you were here." Jeongguk said clearly. "Now, part your way so I may enter. I've been through a great journey to come here to reunite old bonds."

"You're nothing more than an old memory, Mr. Jeon. I beg you pardon, you're not recalled here." The oldest of them all gave sass.

"Really? Seokjin, I recall you've dated someone I know. Kim Namjoon? Now, do me a favor and part your way. I know I didn't stutter and I'll be damned if I've traveled such a long way to be disappointed." Though it was a lie he traveled long for this, he made it awfully believable.

Seokjin tried his hardest to hide his surprise but nonetheless had opened the door widely for Jeongguk and his henchman. "Just this way," Seokjin hummed.

The two had entered.

Taehyung was sitting on his desk with his phone in his hand. He wore black slacks with a deep red button up shirt, his belt hugging his slim waist. His hair was beautifully blond, not even an inch of dark roots at the top.

"Taehyung, father would be displeased to see your asscheeks on your brand new desk." Seokjin called out, shutting the door behind the two men that had walked forth.

The aforementioned shot his head up, standing up quickly and fixing his pants. He pushed his phone into his pocket. "Sorry, sorry," he was so innocent.

Jeongguk felt his heart skip a beat. This adult was so beautiful, his eyes big and brown, his lips perfect, the small scar by his lips. His everything.

"Ah, Taehyung," Jeongguk walked closer. "It has been so, so painfully long since I've last saw you. Weren't you nearly a baby?" The older inquired as he pat Taehyung's soft hair.

"What?" Taehyung removed Jeongguk's hand. "Sorry, um, I must've forgotten you." He breathed out confusedly, taking a glance over to Jimin.

"Ah, no worries. I don't recall you too well either. I'm only a few years older than you but our parents had quiet the time together. Too bad your father couldn't be here to see me again. It's a bummer."

"My father? H-He had other plans." Taehyung said, taking few steps back. "What was your name again? Jungkook?"

"Ah, no." He shook his head. "That's a cute nickname if that's what you want to call me, sweet cheeks. My name is Jeongguk, Jeon Jeongguk." The ravenette purred. His dick nearly twitched with the sight of Taehyung looking up at him with innocent eyes.

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