Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two . . .|
-don't want to get emotional now.

Jeongguk looked up at the building that was going out of business after being robbed of every dollar, after being broke and unable to pay for the essentials it needed to stay up and running.

He sipped on his ice coffee, his right-hand man standing right by his side. Jimin didn't understand exactly why Jeongguk wanted to come here. He didn't want to know, if he were honest. He knew that he would eventually find out, however.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Jeongguk asked, breaking his gaze and beginning to stride forward.

Jimin was quick to follow suit, taking hurried steps. "What is? The fact Kim Empires is slowly plummeting into the ground as we speak?"

"Well, part of that. The fact that this is where I saw him, where I took him, where I made my mind to do what no one has ever. And I can stand here in plain sight!" Jeongguk exaggerated, a widespread smile growing on his handsome face. "Poor Mr. Kim but yay to me, Jeon!" He added, walking over to pull the door open. "After you," he breathed.

Jimin began to think this was just toxic but he entered the building, thanking Jeongguk under his breath. "What exactly for you want to do? Visit Seokjin like you mentioned? I'm sure he's up by Mr. Kim's old office doing everything in his power to fix this mess."

"Sure, why the hell not! I would most certainly enjoy that! Wouldn't you? He's like an old friend!" The mafia leader spoke with excitement, too much excitement if someone were to ask Jimin.

With Jeongguk exclaiming his excitement way too much, they went to the elevator. Jimin saw the lady Jeongguk spoke to in the beginning of the story, she looked over at them. Jimin knew she recalled them.

That being said, the lady began to walk their way. "You gave me the wrong number." Her voice sounded a bit stern and bitter.

The younger looked over, looking over the lady and then to Jimin. "Wrong number?" He repeated. It was more than clear to Jimin that Jeongguk didn't remember this lady they way she remembered them.

"Yes, the wrong number. You came here before and gave me your number which turned out not being your number at all. In fact, it was a number to a plumbing company." She seemed pissed.

Jimin internally question when Jeongguk picked up a plumping card, he tried to quiet his laugh regardless.

"Oh, you." Jeongguk snickered. "I must've handed you the wrong card, baby girl." He snatched the pen off her shirt, taking the card she held out and wrote on the bottom of it. He just scribbled some numbers down. "Here, have fun with it." He handed it back and turned to get into the elevator.

"Wait! You're not all-!" She tried to stop them but Jeongguk pushed the button until the door closed and they began to go up.

Jimin hummed in amusement. "What number did you give her this time?" He asked, biting the dead skin on his bottom lip.

"Someone's number. I just wrote it down and hoped she would buy it but we got away so, guess it doesn't matter." Jeongguk shrugged, sipping on the last bits of the coffee he had left.

The elder of the two heard a sigh escape Jeongguk's thin lips, taking a glimpse up at him. "Nervous?"


Jimin was surprised that Jeongguk admitted to feeling something, giving a small hum. "Why are you nervous? Did something happen?"

"Ya know what . . . I don't actually know why I'm nervous. I'm just . . . I feel my nerves all shaken up and I feel, like, I feel anxious." Jeongguk informed. "Forget it, we're about to see Seokjin. Don't want to get emotional now."

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