Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen . . .|
-i want the flesh you possess of.

Jeongguk returned to his office, Jimin parting a different way from him. He found today eventful. Got to fuck someone, got to watch terror on his best friend's face, and finally being able to relax.

The auction was in just one more day. Tomorrow is all he had to wait left. He wondered, he truly wondered who would be lucky enough to win the most handsome man alive who owned Kim Empires.

Quite personally, Jeongguk wouldn't mind keeping Taehyung but it was way too late for that and he personally didn't want to hear the bitching from Taehyung. He could call it quits and cancelled it all but not only would Jeongguk lose profit, he would be looked down upon.

Slaved and overworked people of J.U. wouldn't fear the mafia leader anymore because he fell for someone who would only be known as a slave in the mafia world, someone who was to be sold away.

Jeongguk ridded away his thoughts, slowly strolling over to his desk before he plopped right into his seat. He couldn't help the smile on his handsome face.

He checked his desk phone, pushing a bottom that had a flashing red light beside it to show he had a voice message or two on there.

"Jeongguk, it's been awhile since I heard your voice but I have an offer I feel like you can't give up. So, you have a precious toy at the moment, no? Well, you remember Seokjin, my ex lover. He's the older brother of Taehyung and I'm sure you already know that. Unfortunately, I can't discuss anymore of this on the line. I'm making a visit later today, maybe around eight or nine. Don't ask why so late, I just have a few things to care for before I make it. I'll see you then." Namjoon's voicemail was intimidating but nothing to scare Jeongguk of Jeon Undergrounds.

Jeongguk listened carefully and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He didn't accept offers but he would always love to hear what was put onto the table.

He had received another voicemail, one which surprised him and Jeongguk was rarely surprised.

"I want the flesh you possess of, I don't care for his name. I want him. I'll see you on Friday, I want him cleaned up and manners on point. Goodbye." The old yet still familiar voice brought a slow and devious smile to his face. This auction was going to be fun.

He could tell by the certain someone who was coming.


Namjoon knocked on the heavy door, a straight face, as plain as it could become. His glasses rested well on the bridge of his nose and his hair was combed a bit to the side. He didn't wear the blazer to his suit, not even bothering with a tie. Just some nice pants with a belt and tucked in shirt.

Jeongguk approaches the door, opening it. "Ah, nice to see you." He said and turned away, walking back over to his desk and taking a seat. "Let's hear this offer, even though you of all people know well enough I don't do offers or anything of the sort."

Namjoon tsked. "Well, it's not that it's an offer, more of just what's going to happen." He said and shrugged, shutting the door behind him and walking to take a seat across from Jeongguk, his leg over the other with his hands professionally clasped.

Jeongguk on the other hand was leaned back, legs wide open, and his arm on the armrest resting his head. Intimidating.

"Mhmm, sure. So, spill it. Let's hear what will happen, according to you." Jeongguk held such an emotionless face.

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