Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven . . .|
-i'll do anything.

"Rise and shine, Princess. I've given you more than five more minutes and we need to fit you for your outfit." Jeongguk burst through the door, walking over. He nudged the younger's shoulder.

The CEO grunted and rubbed his eyes, turning so his back was to Jeongguk and was facing the other way. He stayed fast asleep.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, going to the other side. He sat on the bed. "Hey, Mr. Kim," he called. He carefully watched the thick brows furrow, watching as Taehyung's face scrunched a bit.

The older pushed some hair away from his face, his eyes tracing over the perfect features. He hummed. His fingers gently caressed Taehyung's cheek. He watched him sleep for a moment.

"I got everything," Jimin came in the room, interrupting the small moment.

Jeongguk jumped up. "Park! What have I informed you to do every time you must enter? Knock for crying out loud!" He scolded.

"But, sir, the door was wide open, rather invitingly." Jimin remarked, turning and shutting it. Fortunately, Jimin didn't see why Jeongguk was so jumpy or why he said what he said like that.

The mafia leader stood and shook his head. "Wake him up," he demanded and took the clothes from Jimin, laying them out in order. It was a few outfits, suits to look presentable.

Jimin obeyed and went over, uncovering Taehyung. "Mr. Kim, time to wake up. Mind you this auction is soon and we should really get your fitted." He uttered.

The blond-haired adult pushed up slowly, rubbing his eyes. He sighed, stretching out his muscles. "Fine," He breathed. He let out a soft little yawn, standing after a moment.

Jimin watched how Taehyung reacted slowly. "You should take off your clothes, in undergarments, Mr. Kim." He said.

Taehyung gulped and remembered being told to strip before. He sucked in a sharp breath that sounded like it should've hurt before he pulled off his shirt and pushed down his sweat pants.

He covered himself with his large hands, trying to restrain his breathing down.

Jeongguk hummed, looking over the suits that laid out. "I want to see this one first. The silky texture with a deep v? Ugh, I could see it now." He breathed and picked it up.

It was a white, silky jacket, no undershirt required. It came with nice black pants with a line of white down the sides of the legs. A very neat and fancy-looking suit.

Jeongguk turned and showed it off to Park and Kim. He smiled but then it was quick to flatten. He handed the suit to Jimin and went over to Taehyung. He used his middle finger and index finger to tilt his chin up.

Their faces were inches — no, their faces were centimeters apart.

"Princess? Do you remember what I said about hiding what is mine? Remove your hands or I'll make you take everything off and I'll walk you through the city with a leash around your neck like you're nothing more than a dog." He threatened lowly.

Taehyung grew chills and quickly placed his hands at his sides. He looked away, trying not to shutter or shiver.

"Good boy." Jeongguk said. He turned his attention over to his best friend. "Undo the shirt. Let's hurry, Jimin, I don't want to waste all of my time with this piece of shit." He uttered, checking his Rolex.

The aforementioned nodded. He did as he was told to, undoing the buttons one-by-one. He handed the shirt over then, watching his boss.

Jeongguk thanked Jimin mentally, looking over the shiny material. He walked over to the youngest, helping to slip his arms through the sleeves of the shirt. He took his time, buttoning it up.

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