Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty . . .|
-it said, 'you're next'.

     Jeongguk pinched his lips tightly together, creating a thin line as his eyes never left the corridors. They were stinging with the lack of him blinking. He broke his long stare and turned, finally, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he swayed down the hall.

He only picked up his head when Jimin's voice reached his ear, making him take a glance over. "Are you upset?" He asked.

The question was loud and clear yet Jeongguk failed to truly understand what he was asking him. He forced out a hum, clearing his drying throat as he turned his attention forward. "Upset is a strong word for the way I feel, Jimin." He called him by his name and not 'Mr. Park' like he's done so before. Saying 'Jimin' almost brought deja vu back to Jimin's young heart.

"Would you like to discuss how exactly you feel about Mr. Kim's departure? If upset isn't how you necessarily feel, then how do you feel?" Jimin asked, his bruise on his face throbbing, causing a noiseless wince.

Jeongguk chuckled. "Is this some therapy session? I really fail to give a fuck, Jimin. I told him the same thing I'll tell you, when the time comes, someone better will be offered. He will lose his value and will end like a slave like the rest of them to Jeon Undergrounds or to Mr. Jung." He said coldly.

Jimin gave a reluctant nod, a small breath slipping his lips that he didn't realize he was holding. He hummed and walked closer. "Let's clean up Mr. Kim's room and whatnot, I'm sure you want it back to just being a guest room and not 'Kim's Room'." He uttered, dusting dirt off of Jeongguk's suit.

The mafia leader didn't give a second thought. He turned on his heels, walking ahead of Jimin. He didn't dare look back or open his mouth, keeping his tall and strong composure with a bland, handsome face.

Unfortunately, a single thought lingered in the back of his head that traveled faster than the speed of lights at the wrong moment. He didn't want to admit it but he wondered how Mr. Kim was doing and how Jung was treating him. It lingered. It was persistent.

He wouldn't consider that 'missing' the young CEO, he would simply put it the way it was meant to be put as. He just was curious — as everyone does get at some point in their lives.

Transitioning over to the CEO and other mafia leader, Taehyung was being guided down a building. Quite similar to J.U. but not quite. This building wasn't as scary and didn't have too many twists and turns — from what he felt. Mr. Jung still put a bag over his head. He didn't get the same vibes like he did when he walked the halls of Jeon Undergrounds.

The difference was very easy to spot. From what Taehyung has witnessed, this building was smaller, Mr. Jung wasn't so rough, Taehyung wasn't threatened as much, and Taehyung damn near felt use to this (not entirely).

By that last thing, when feeling use to this, he meant it. How couldn't he? Jeongguk made him aware that he was just an object in the lion's den. He was just a toy for the big kids to play with. He knew that each mafia leader did something differently, that's for sure, but they all had the same goal as the next guy.


Each penny you own is another eye on the prize. That was basically the mafia saying. That should've been an introduction to the beginning of the story, oh well.

What that saying meant was that every penny you got, someone else looked to your change, you became a cent richer, someone else was envious of the money you owned.

J.U. was a prime example. The biggest and richest mafia there was. Jeongguk didn't play around with his money and was an undeniably smart man. But, he made an indisputable ridiculous move selling off the best thing he's ever owned as a mafia leader.

Arguably the 'best thing'. He was a beaut and a big CEO, he was young, not exactly the strongest, he was perfect. The things that some people would do to him was despicable.

Anyways, back to initial point of this, all mafia leaders just wanted money and values of such. Jeongguk described Taehyung as a valuable person — which he was. Obviously if he were shown and had money bid on him going up to the millions.

"Pumpkin," Taehyung heard the voice from Hoseok, snapping from his deep thoughts. He instinctively turned his head slightly to the side Hoseok was on. "You're awfully quiet. We're almost to your room, we had to make a small detour."

"Hmm," Taehyung hummed, taking careful steps. "Sorry."

Hoseok snickered. "Don't be, silly. I'm just saying. You're allowed to talk, you know." He muttered to him, rubbing his shoulder as he guided him.

Taehyung wasn't sure what there was to talk about. A question came to mind and before he was able to even process it, it slipped from his lips. "How did you become a mafia leader?"

"You're someone who's asks questions. Nice." Hoseok let out a dragged breath. "Not many mafia leaders in South Korea, not as many as there is in America and southern places. Not many known, that is. I'm considered a small mafia leader. Then you have Min Yoongi, Jeon Jeongguk, Kang Leehyun, and others. Jeon stands high on the list, Yoongi under him but not without a gap. I joined by accident." He began.

Taehyung listened, he wish he was a bit more informed of how big the mafia truly was. He felt a right turn and then a stop.

Hoseok opened a door and walked Taehyung inside, pulling the bag off and fixing his hair. "I witnessed someone cry out to help to me. They told me where to help them at and being the kind considerate person I was, I decided to try. I had called the cops to the location and went there myself. Unfortunately, the guy who asked for my help laid dead on the floor with a notecard on his chest. It said, 'you're next'. Fright is the only thing that consumed me." He shut the door behind him, turning back to Taehyung go undo his cuffs.

"Then what?"

"Then what?" Hoseok repeated. "I heard the sirens and I knew it was time for me to run. The cops knew where to find him. I fucking froze up, however. My eyes were glued to the deceased body. Next thing I knew, there was a rag over my mouth and I was dragged. I don't know when or where or how but I managed to be chained to a cell." Hoseok said. "Maybe that's why I'm seen as 'the nicest leader'." He chuckled poorly.

Taehyung was just a tad bit lost. "Well, how did you become a leader?"

Hoseok smiled at Taehyung. "I'm sure teachers loved you with the amount of questions you ask." He joked teasingly. "I overthrown them, duh." He said as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "It took me five years, but I did it. Without a leader in line, I battled the current one. 'Battled'. Sounds like ancient Roman times when talking about empires. But, yes, I defeated them, killed them, and overtook the mafia they had. Speaking of Roman times, when one empire (or mafia) gets a weak spot, you hit that spot. If failed to fix in time, you hit them again. And again, and again, and again until eventually, you win."

Taehyung was listening closely. His eyes were wide and mouth parted ever so slightly. He was memorized by the sound of Hoseok speaking on how he got here.

"Now, just because I told you that, don't you go and trying to take my mafia. I worked hard, kid." He laughed, witnessing Taehyung give a small curved smile. "Not that you could, but I thought I couldn't."

"What's Jeongguk's weak spot?" Taehyung asked another mindless question.

"Kid, trust me, if it were that easy to know and understand, he would be long done. It would be taken down way before he got you but nope, that isn't the case, is it?" Hoseok smiled and hummed. Taehyung didn't say anything.

"Exactly," remarked Hoseok. "Anyways, now that this Q and A is finally over, it's time for you to get some sleep. If you leave your room, if you attempt, if you do anything that is even suspicious, you'll be sorry." He warned, his tone getting dark. "Tomorrow you will come with me. Do you understand?"

At those words, Taehyung nodded. He appreciated the 'kind side' of Hoseok but something told him that he was going to be a bit meaner than he originally believed.

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