Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six . . .|
-look at that, i'm bleeding.

Jeongguk rushed as quick as his aching limbs could carry him. He could see the bit of blond and his heart fluttered with the thought of getting out of here alive with Taehyung in his arms.

The mafia leader rushed towards the younger and scooped Taehyung up, yelling out in pain, loud and clear. Jeongguk felt the sharp jabs sprinkle all over his built body.

He had Taehyung in his arms; bridal style. Jeongguk had tears in his eyes from the pain he was feeling but didn't make it obvious. "You weren't getting away like that." He said.

Taehyung tried to get out of Jeongguk's arms but even in agonizing pain, the elder was still so much stronger. "Just let me go! I can run free!" He whined. This was all just a game of cat and mouse.

The raven-haired adult shook his head. "I worked . . . So hard to get here." He sounded winded, taking a bit deeper breaths. "Did you get heavier?" He inquired. He didn't remember Taehyung being this hard to hold.

Mr. Kim scoffed. "How kind," he fought to get out of his arms. "I haven't even been gone that long, how much weight could I have gained?" He struggled.

"Shh, stop, Princess." Jeongguk said, feeling something wet at his lips. His eyes were getting heavier, body feeling just a bit weaker. Man, Hoseok really did a number on him.

Taehyung looked up after seeing red sputter onto his shirt. His eyes met with Jeongguk's lip, seeing blood spill from his mouth. "You're bleeding." He informed, his voice light and wary.

Jeongguk swayed a bit, his steps becoming sloppier and slower. "N-No . . . You're just . . . Tired." He coughed all over Taehyung, choking on his blood. "Look at that, I'm bleeding." He saw from the blood that spattered, his chest rising for a bit extra oxygen.

The blond-haired boy frowned. "Did you get shot?" He asked, feeling his hip getting awfully warm. "Jeon, let me go. Carrying me isn't helping. I can go home, be free, and you can get to your stupid car and be safe. It's a win-win, isn't it?"

Jeongguk shook his head, trying to say something but he stumbled to the floor, dropping Taehyung. He landed on his knees, crying out more once he felt his bad knee hit the ground.

The aching one of the two moved his shaky hand to his abdomen, pulling it back to see his fingers soaked with his own blood. Jeongguk's eyes opened a bit when it made it clear he had gotten shot somehow. He winced and fell to his side, body begging to just give in. Jeongguk's brows furrowed in pain, showing his actually hurt he was.

Taehyung quickly pushed to his feet and stepped back. He felt adrenaline rush through his veins and right to his core. His eyes browsed over Jeongguk, seeing as the elder collapsed.

He was free.

The former CEO turned on his heels and took a leap, running for his freedom but he stopped dead in his tracks, halting when his heart ached.

He can't. He can't just sit here and let the mafia leader die on the floor like that. Not on Taehyung's watch. He huffed, feeling his joy being ripped out of him and the possible hope of finally being free disappear.

Taehyung returned back to Jeongguk who was passed out, a pool of blood surrounding him. The CEO might've been weak but he would try with all his strength.

He latched his forearms under Jeongguk's armpits, groaning as he began to drag him away from the gates. "How dare you," he took a deep breath before tugging again. "Question my weight when here you are, weighing a ton."

Taehyung was put through a lot by this man but death wasn't something he could witness the elder go through. He couldn't just let him die right there, it wasn't something he was capable of.

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