Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen . . .|
-be good, princess.

"Pumpkin," Hoseok's own nickname for Taehyung. "Is there anything you need before we depart off to south side?" The older asked, looking up at Taehyung who's face looked so exhausted and worn out.

"I. Want. To. See. My. Brother." Taehyung said lowly, just wanting to see Seokjin one last time.

"Very well," Hoseok nodded without hesitation and did a hand motion to one of Jeongguk's men. They obeyed after bowing, leaving the room. Hoseok went over and took off the cuff on Taehyung's right wrist, freeing his hand.

"You aren't to leave with him, aren't to try to free yourself, aren't to do anything unless you want to be punished to an extreme." Hoseok warned, pushing up to stand on his feet, tugging his jacket to fix it other his shoulders.

Taehyung's eyes widened and he sat up, gasping at the sound of being able to see his brother. He immediately swelled up with tears and started to breathe heavy. "R-R-Really?!" He asked with joy and watched Hoseok give a nod of his head.

"I think it's a fair thing to let you see your beloved brother. After you have about an hour with him, we'll discuss terms when coming over with me. Your punishments will not be slaps on the wrists like Mr. Jeon gave to you, do I make myself clear?"

Taehyung nodded, just wanting to see his brother already. He was breathing heavily, anxiety filling his heart and making his head swirl.

"Very well." Hoseok gave a weak smile, clapping his palms twice and at that same moment, the doors opened, Seokjin being thrown in the room. That earned Jeongguk's men a glare from Hoseok.

The exact moment Seokjin's eyes met with Taehyung's, the two ran to each other, Seokjin tackling Taehyung back onto the couch and hugging him so tight that Taehyung thought his bones would snap, but he didn't mind. They cried to each other and their hands roamed in every which way.

Hoseok watched them for a moment before he left the room, leaving the Kim brothers alone to enjoy their time together.

Taehyung was sobbing, he pulled his hands back and grabbed Seokjin's face. "I-I w-w-want to leave!" He cried out to him, unable to comprehend the fact he was holding onto his brother after a long week and some change of being locked away. He knew this was going to be the last time he ever would see Seokjin again unless he would be able to escape somehow. "I-I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, baby, don't be." Seokjin whispered and wiped away his warm and salty tears. "I know t-this will be . . . Hard, b-but we can do it. I will get y-you out somehow, I promise, Taehyung." He added, kissing his forehead, holding him close. "I'll sell every last one of my organs just so you can be free. I-It's all my fault. I- . . . I should've accepted the position and helped you more and not made you take the CEO position of Kim Empires." Namjoon's venomous words struck him hard and made him regret every decision he's mad regarding Kim Empires.

Taehyung was quick to shake his head. "Not your fault, y-y-you didn't know, h-hyung." He breathed, scooting from under Seokjin to sit up, putting himself on Seokjin's lap. "I love you so much. H-How's appa?"

"Don't talk about him. He's a backstabbing prick." Seokjin commented. "He's only been worried about the business and doesn't seem to care for you." He uttered, trying to hold back his stutters.

Taehyung's face seemed to get sadder — if possible. He let out a small 'oh' and kept his head down. Seokjin had made him look up. "Who cares, I'm here and every one of your little fans are trying to find you. They're like an army of love and support wanting to make sure you're safe." He breathed and this made Taehyung shed tears again.

He was still unable to believe he was with his brother. It was even harder to believe that he wouldn't ever see him again.

The two stayed there in each other's arms for the time they had, talking and making small jokes to lighten their moods; they knew it was ending soon but they feared focusing on the time they had left, if any. They didn't want to make the time go faster.

Hoseok pushed open the corridors to the room, entering with Jeongguk, Jimin, and two of Jeongguk's men. "I gave you guys thirty extra minutes since this is the final time you'll be able to see each other." Hoseok uttered and walked forth.

Taehyung began to cry again, his tears raced down his cheeks to his chin and fell. "I-I love you s-so much!" He said and kissed his cheek, knowing they were going to pull him away. "H-Hyung! I l-l-love you!" He wailed and choked out.

Jeongguk's men went over and pried Taehyung off, holding him up and restraining his arms so he couldn't fight them back.

Seokjin tried to stay calm but he was crying too. "I love you too, I love you, baby." Seokjin said, pushing up and kissing his forehead. "I-I'll find you somehow and get you out of here, I promise." He brushed his hair back and nodded with a soft smile.

Everyone besides him and Taehyung were armed with weapons. If he attempted anything, not only would he die, he would get Taehyung murdered. As much as he wanted to snatch Taehyung away and protect him, he couldn't or they would die.

Jeongguk walked over, putting cuffs on Taehyung's wrists. He looked at him and made eye contact. "Be good, Princess."

Taehyung was broken, shaking his head with adrenaline. He was afraid; though Hoseok had been kinder than Jeongguk so far. He didn't want to go with Hoseok or stay with Jeongguk. What he wanted most was to go home with his brother and never leave the comforts of his house again.

Jimin was silent, the author nearly forgetting he was in this scene. "Mr. Kim," he spoke and walked over. Jeongguk attempted to stop Jimin but Jimin refused to be stopped. The aforementioned wrapped his arms around Taehyung and sighed. "I'm sorry for not succeeding." He breathed before pulling back, bowing in respect for the younger.

This took Hoseok and Jeongguk by surprise, Jeongguk more than anyone. Taehyung was also surprised and shook his head, wanting to hug him again but was restricted.

"T-Thank you . . ." He said in a small, breaking voice full of fear and pain. His eyes were laced with the mental agony he was going through internally. Jimin could see the begging he held within his glossy eyes, making Jimin tear up.

With final goodbyes from Jimin, Seokjin, and even Jeongguk, Taehyung was taken out of the building and put into a black limousine. He was buckled up, restrained, and a bag with sprinkled holes so he could breathe.

Taehyung felt the empty pit of suffering set in his chest, the undying, never ending feeling of being sold from one place to another. He didn't want to be in the mafia, he didn't want to be stuck here. Taehyung internally pleaded to anyone to be released.

His character development reduced over time from an outgoing, considerate young man to a suffering, broken down slave of the mafia.

Taehyung was worn down from all of his cries, all of the screams he let out, every tear that rolled down his beautiful face, and his suffering.

He felt the rumbles of the vehicle being started up and could hear the engine make noises. His tears clouded his brown eyes and streamed down his paling face. They were more tears to cry, surprisingly having anymore. Taehyung didn't make a noise but he was silently sobbing underneath the bag that hid away his ethereal face.

Taehyung cried until he ended up falling asleep, sleep that ended up being restless.

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