Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine . . .|
-fear? that just gives me motivation.

Jeongguk took Taehyung's hand and cuffed it to the chair. He gave Taehyung enough room to move his hands around still.

"You can order anything you want, regardless the price, as long as you eat, I don't care." Remarked Jeongguk, going to the other side and taking a seat.

Taehyung looked at his hand then to Jeongguk. "Is this necessary?" He asked, pulling at his wrist.

"Of course it is, Princess. You're very untrustworthy. You've proven yourself that you are not to be released to move freely. This is why we listen, Mr. Kim." Jeongguk muttered.

"Can you stop calling me Mr. Kim? Why can't you just call me Taehyung? I don't like Princess or Mr. Kim, I like my given name, my first name." The blond-haired said, pinching his brows together.

Jeongguk enjoyed the upset sound Taehyung released. "Aw, does my Princess have an issue with the nicknames I give him?" He teased. "Just learn to deal with it. Soon, you'll be given away to someone and they'll give you a different nickname. Deal with it, Princess." He scoffed. "Now go on and pick something to eat."

Taehyung huffed, glancing over the menu. "None of it looks good." He lied, it was food, it all looked pretty appetizing but he didn't want to deal with this.

"Princess, when was the last time you had sex?" Jeongguk inquired, a waitress bringing the finest of wines over, pouring Jeongguk and Taehyung both a full glass. She bowed, earning a glare from Jeongguk.

She was quick to scurry away, leaving the two to their privacy. No one dared to cross Jeongguk, everyone knew who he was, including waitresses and waiters in small places like the one they were in now.

Taehyung was taken aback by the sudden question. Nothing they were doing had mentioned sexual intercourse whatsoever. He gulped and blush, his cheeks burning bright red.

"J-Jin-hyung said I shouldn't have sex all that often." Taehyung uttered, his cheeks burning bright red as he answered the question.

"Oh? And, why's that, Princess?" Inquired Jeongguk, sipping on his given fine wine. "It seems it's been ages since you had sex with the way you act." He commented.

"Seokjin says that it could ruin my reputation being out and about, if I'm caught limping down a sidewalk with my hand pressed firmly against my back late at night, it'll tend to cause rumors and perhaps my rep would be known as a slut then which isn't pleasing." Taehyung looked down, practically admitting he hadn't had a good pounding in awhile.

"Say, your hyung might be right with that one, but you're known as missing now. You're in Jeon Undergrounds, I'm sure you can slip just this once." Jeongguk smirked.

The remarked made Taehyung shy and upset, it reminding him of Jeongguk commanding him to strip himself of his clothes. "If I were to slip up, it surely wouldn't be with you or anyone in 'Jeon Undergrounds'." He remarked bitterly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Princess. I own you now, you'll do whatever I say and tell you to do." The mafia leader replied, scanning the menu. "If you don't select something to eat, you'll be sorry, Mr. Kim."

Taehyung shook his head. "Fine. I want the japchae, not spicy, a small side of rice. I also would just prefer a coke." He said, leaning back in his chair.

"You have a drink."

"I don't like alcohol."

"It's low in alcohol, Mr. Kim, you'll be fine. Though, I'll order you a coke to make you shut up." Jeongguk said, looking back over his own menu. He hummed, finalizing what he wanted in his head.

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