Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen . . .|
-mr. kim taehyung, former ceo of kim empires.

Taehyung was escorted to the venue, where the auction was taking place at. He had a personal escort, not able to be with the other ladies and men who were being sold tonight. It was Jeongguk's order he be sent alone.

Taehyung hadn't spoke a word since telling Jimin he would listen. He was as quiet as he's ever been in this god forsaken place. The CEO was thinking of ways to escape already.

He doubted any would work, Taehyung was a twink, at least to Jeongguk. He prayed someone weaker than him would get him so he could free himself but what was the possibility someone in the mafia was weaker than Taehyung.

Currently, the young CEO of (former) Kim Empires was handcuffed to a chair. He had been there for about fifteen minutes at this point. He hadn't seen Jeongguk or Jimin yet, not really anyone besides the men who cuffed him to the chair.

He was silently thinking. Thinking of ways to get out, ways to fight, and sadly ways he could kill himself. He didn't really think about the last one but it would slip into his head just in case there really wasn't any way of escaping.

Taehyung didn't think he would ever been in this type of predicament, who would? Part of Taehyung thought he too famous to be kidnapped but now he realized how naïve he was.

He realized how naïve he was in total. He hated him, he hated himself for thinking so stupidly. Taehyung would get ideas that held the slightest bit of hope, hope that would save him from his current situation.

As his head traveled with thoughts about everything, he heard the doorknob, not bothering to pick his head up. At this, Jeongguk thought he was sleeping.

"Okay, well," he snickered. "Park, wake up sleeping beauty for me and get his cuffs off." Jeongguk turned to his assistant.

Jimin had a swollen cheek, nodding. "Of course, Jeon." He set his clipboard down and kneeled in front of Taehyung. He saw his open eyes. "I tried, I'm sorry." Was all he could whisper to Taehyung, rubbing his shoulders and moving to the metal shackles off of his wrists.

Taehyung's eyes widened. He stared at the bruise. "Did he hit you?" He asked, his voice low so only Jimin could hear it.

"Now isn't the time, Mr. Kim." Jimin replied, tugging the cuffs off of his hands, stepping back. Jimin looked over at the mafia leader who showed no emotion, his eyes glued onto Taehyung's frail body.

The aforementioned rubbed his wrists, looking up at Jeongguk who admittedly looked horrible and tired.

"Princess" He started. "You'll be the first item to be shown and the last to be sold. We want everyone to spend their money correctly; wisely." He said, walking over. Jeongguk gently took his hands and helped him stand to his feet. He brushed a few strands back. "Are you in need of a glass of water?"

"I don't need shit from you." Taehyung spat.

"Right," Jeongguk smiled. "I see that over the few days you've been here, I've really opened you up. I mean, you're cursing a storm right now." He shrugged. "I think I liked you more when you were quiet."

"I don't need you to like me."

"And I don't need you to be a bitch but look where we are." Jeongguk lowered his vocal cords. "Anyways, it's best if you listen. We have a ten minute time stamp."

Taehyung's eyes flickered over to Jimin who was busy looking over the clipboard. Taehyung looked back up at Jeongguk. "Did you hit him?" He asked in emotionless voice.

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