Chapter 16

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"So you're basically together now, or what?" Jackson asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Well, technically neither of us have asked the other to be together but I'm pretty sure that we're together." I replied and took a bite of my toast. I looked out of our little kitchen window and frowned once I saw that it was pouring rain once again. 

"Okay, well I gotta go to work now. I'll see you later." he said and carried his dirty dishes to the sink. 

"See ya." I said and he left the kitchen. What am I supposed to do now? I'm all alone once again...

Should I text JB?

What if he gets tired of me?

He probably will soon...

Nobody would possibly want to be with me that much. 

I shook off these thoughts and stood up from my chair. I put my plate in the sink and exited the kitchen. I needed to somehow shut out my thoughts so I quickly grabbed my jacket and keys and left the apartment. 

I made my way down the familiar route to the coffee shop and felt my dark thoughts vanish once I saw Mark's smiling face. 

"Hey, Mark. Can I have the usual, please?" I asked. 

"Coming right up." he smiled and shuffled away to prepare my drink. I took a seat at my usual place and fiddled with my fingers until Mark arrived with my coffee. I waited for the hot drink to cool off for a while as I kept my eyes outside the window. 

"Excuse me? Is this seat taken?" I looked up and saw a girl standing there with a small smile. She had straight brown hair, icy blue eyes and a pretty tall figure. 

"Oh uhm... no." 

"May I sit?" she asked.

"Sure." I offered her a soft smile as she sat down across from me. 

"My name is Emily, by the way." she smiled and extended her hand above the table. 

"I'm Jinyoung." I said and shook her hand. 

"So Jinyoung, I've actually seen you here plenty of times before but never really had the courage to talk to you." she said and laughed shyly. 

"Ah, I see. I come here almost everyday." I said and her eyes lit up. 

"Me too!" she exclaimed and we laughed. 

We ended up talking for hours and hours and it turns out that she is pretty interested in writing herself. She is 23 years old as well and lived somewhere nearby. She was really funny and in my opinion had a very bright personality. We even exchanged our numbers.

We were having a conversation about funny things that has happened to us during high school but got interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both stopped mid conversation and looked up to see who it was. 

"JB?" I asked, surprised. "What are you doing here?" 

"Oh, nothing. I was just on a walk but then saw you through the window." he smiled sweetly and took a seat beside me. "So, who are you?" he looked Emily up and down with a hard expression on his face. 

"I'm Emily." she smiled. "Who are you?"

"JB. I'm Jinyoung's boyfriend." he said and laced our fingers together, not taking his eyes off of her. "Anyways, Jinyoung! You promised to help me with something, right?"


"Right! So I'm sorry but we gotta get going." he stood up while pulling me up with him. "It was nice meeting you!" he smiled. A bit too sweetly, knowing JB. 

"It was nice meeting you! Bye, Emily!" I yelled as JB pulled me out of the coffee shop. 

It had stopped raining now which was a relief. JB and I were both quiet as he pulled me with him. 

"Can you please slow down?" I asked quietly. He stopped walking and gripped my hand tightly, basically crushing it. I scrunched up my face slightly because of the pain and carefully wiggled it out of his grip. "What was that back there?" I raised my eyebrows and rubbed my hand where he had held me earlier. 

"Who was she?" was all he asked. 

"Emily. She asked me if she could sit with me so I let her. We ended up talking and getting to know each other and it turns out that she had noticed me before but only now gathered up the courage to talk to me." I explained. 

"Mhm." he squinted his eyes at me while taking slow steps towards me. I slowly backed away until my back hit the brick wall. He rested his arm beside my head and leaned in. "Do you like her?" 

"Well...yeah. Only as a friend, obviously. She's really nice and funny." I said. 

"Okay." he backed away again and stared at me. 

"There's not a problem with that... is there?" I looked down and fiddled with the end of my sleeve. 

He was silent for a while before speaking again. 

"Not at all."

Guardian angel | Jinyoung X JB  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now